Index by Authors
- Van Den Eynde S. «Crying to God Prayer and Plot in the Book of Judith» Vol.85 (2004) 217-231
- Galil Gershon «A New Look at the Inscriptions of Tiglath-pileser III» Vol.81 (2000) 511-520
- Galil Gershon «The Chronological Framework of the Deuteronomistic History» Vol.85 (2004) 413-421
- Ganzel Tova «The Defilement and Desecration of the Temple in Ezekiel» Vol.89 (2008) 369-379
- Garcia Martínez Florentino «Las tradiciones sobre Melquisedec en los manuscritos de Qumrán» Vol.81 (2000) 70-80
- Gardner A.E. «Daniel 7,2-14: Another Look at its Mythic Pattern» Vol.82 (2001) 244-252
- Gardner A.E. «Isaiah 65, 20: Centenarians or Millenarians?» Vol.86 (2005) 88-96
- Gardner A.E. «Decoding Daniel: The Case of Dan 7,5» Vol.88 (2007) 222-233
- Gardner A.E. «The «Little Horn» of Dan 7,8: Malevolent or Benign?» Vol.93 (2012) 209-226
- Gass Erasmus «Jahwe oder der Perserkönig? Intertextuelle und semantische Studien zu Jes 40,10» Vol.92 (2011) 503-527
- Geoghegan Jeffrey C. «Israelite Sheepshearing and David’s Rise to Power» Vol.87 (2006) 55-63
- Gignilliat Mark S. «Working Together with Whom?
Text-Critical, Contextual, and Theological Analysis of
sunerge1= in Romans 8,28» Vol.87 (2006) 511-515
- Gilbert Maurice «Où en sont les études sur le Siracide?» Vol.92 (2011) 161-181
- Gilbert Maurice «L’interpretazione di SiracideVL-Vg 24,6a» Vol.96 (2015) 113-118
- Gilbert Maurice «Note philologique et exégétique sur DanielLXX-Th 3,40 (17)» Vol.97 (2016) 287-293
- Gladson Jerry A. «Postmodernism and the Deus absconditus in Lamentations 3» Vol.91 (2010) 321-334
- Gnuse R. «The Temple Theophanies of Jaddus, Hyrcanus, and Zechariah» Vol.79 (1998) 457-472
- Goldberg Jeremy «Two Assyrian Campaigns against Hezehiah and Later Eight Century Biblical Chronology» Vol.80 (1999) 360-390
- Goswell Greg «The Fate and Future of Zerubbabel in the Prophecy of Haggai» Vol.91 (2010) 77-90
- Granados Rojas Juan Manuel «Ephesians 4,12. A Revised Reading» Vol.92 (2011) 81-96
- Granados Rojas Juan Manuel «Is the Word of God Incomplete? An Exegetical and Rhetorical Study of Col 1,25» Vol.94 (2013) 63-79
- Granerød Gard «Melchizedek in Hebrews 7» Vol.90 (2009) 188-202
- Grant Deena «A Brief Discussion of the Difference between Human and Divine hmx» Vol.91 (2010) 418-424
- Grappe Christian «Qui me délivrera de ce corps de mort? L’Esprit de vie! Romains 7,24 et 8,2 comme éléments de typologie adamique» Vol.83 (2002) 472-492
- Gregory Bradley C. «Slips of the Tongue in the Speech Ethics of Ben Sira» Vol.93 (2012) 321-339
- Gregory Bradley C. «Vice and Virtue in the Moral Vision of the Latin of Sirach.» Vol.97 (2016) 41-61
- Grindheim Sigurd «What the OT Prophets Did Not Know: The Mystery of the Church in Eph 3,2-13» Vol.84 (2003) 531-553
- Grindheim Sigurd «Faith in Jesus: The Historical Jesus and the Object of Faith» Vol.97 (2016) 79-100
- Grossman Jonathan «The Design of the ‘Dual Causality’ Principle in the Narrative of Absalom’s Rebellion» Vol.88 (2007) 558-566
- Guillaume Philippe «Metamorphosis of a Ferocious Pharaoh» Vol.85 (2004) 232-236
- Guillaume Philippe «The End of Jonah is the Beginning of Wisdom» Vol.87 (2006) 243-250
- Guillaume Philippe - Schunck Michael «Job’s Intercession: Antidote to Divine Folly» Vol.88 (2007) 457-472
- Hafemann Scott «'Divine Nature' in 2 Pet 1,4 within its Eschatological Context» Vol.94 (2013) 80-99
- Hamidovic David «"Les portes de justice" et "la porte de YHWH" dans le Psaume 118,19-20» Vol.81 (2000) 542-550
- Hamidovi´c David «La remarque énigmatique d’Ac 5,4 dans la légende
d’Ananias et Saphira» Vol.86 (2005) 407-415
- Haren Michael J. «The Naked Young Man: a Historians Hypothesis on Mark 14,51-52» Vol.79 (1998) 525-531
- Hatina Thomas R. «Who Will See "The Kingdom of God Coming with Power" in Mark 9,1 — Protagonists or Antagonists?» Vol.86 (2005) 20-34
- Hays Christopher «What Sort of Friends? A New Proposal Regarding (M)y)pr and (M)ylp+ in Job 13,4» Vol.90 (2009) 394-399
- Head Peter M. «The Habits of New Testament Copyists. Singular Readings in the Early Fragmentary Papyri of John» Vol.85 (2004) 399-408
- Heger Paul «Source of Law in the Biblical and Mesopotamian Law Collections» Vol.86 (2005) 324-342
- Heider George C. «The Gospel according to John: The New Testament’s Deutero-Deuteronomy?» Vol.93 (2012) 68-85
- Heil John Paul «A Note on Elijah with Moses in Mark 9,4» Vol.80 (1999) 115-115
- Heil John Paul «The Chiastic Structure and Meaning of Paul’s Letter to Philemon» Vol.82 (2001) 178-206
- Hentschel Georg - Nießen Christina «Der Bruderkrieg zwischen Israel und Benjamin (Ri 20)» Vol.89 (2008) 17-38
- Hermans Robert «La christologie d’Ephésiens.» Vol.92 (2011) 411-426
- Herr Bertram «Der Standpunkt des Epitomators. Perspektivenwechsel in der Forschung am Zweiten Makkabäerbuch» Vol.90 (2009) 1-31
- Hess Richard S. «The Book of Joshua as a Land Grant» Vol.83 (2002) 493-506
- Hieke Thomas «Das Alte Testament und die Todesstrafe» Vol.85 (2004) 349-374
- Himbaza Innocent «Dt 32,8, une correction tardive des scribes. Essai d’interprétation et de datation» Vol.83 (2002) 527-548
- Himbaza Innocent «Critique textuelle et critique littéraire en 2 Samuel 6,2: une généalogie des témoins textuels.» Vol.97 (2016) 440-453
- Hock Andreas «Christ is the Parade: A Comparative Study of the Triumphal
Procession in 2 Cor 2,14 and Col 2,15» Vol.88 (2007) 110-119
- Hock Andreas «From Babel to the New Jerusalem (Gen 11,1-9 and Rev 21,1–22,5)» Vol.89 (2008) 109-118
- Hogeterp Albert L.A. «Resurrection and Biblical Tradition: Pseudo-Ezekiel Reconsidered» Vol.89 (2008) 59-69
- Hollenback George M. «The Value of Pi and the Circumference of the "Molten
Sea" in 3 Kingdoms 7,10» Vol.79 (1998) 409-412
- Hollenback George M. «The Dimensions and Capacity of the 'Molten Sea'
in 1 Kgs 7,23.26» Vol.81 (2000) 391-392
- Holtz Gudrun «Zur christologischen Relevanz des Furchtmotivs im Lukasevangelium» Vol.90 (2009) 484-505
- Holtz Shalom E. «Why are the Sins of Ephraim (Hos 13,12) and Job (Job 14,17) Bundled?» Vol.93 (2012) 107-115
- Hong Koog P. «The Deceptive Pen of Scribes: Judean Reworking of the Bethel Tradition as a Program for Assuming Israelite Identity.» Vol.92 (2011) 427-441
- Hong Koog P. «Abraham, Genesis 20–22, and the Northern Elohist» Vol.94 (2013) 321-339
- Hunn Debbie «Pleasing God or Pleasing People? Defending the Gospel in Galatians 1–2» Vol.91 (2010) 24-49
- Hurowitz Victor Avigdor «Nursling, Advisor,
Architect? Nwm) and the Role of Wisdom in Proverbs 8,22-31» Vol.80 (1999) 391-400
- Hutton Jeremy M. «'Bethany beyond the Jordan' in Text, Tradition, and Historical Geography» Vol.89 (2008) 305-328
- Ishai-Rosenboim Daniella «Is yh MwOy (the Day of the Lord) a Term in Biblical Language?» Vol.87 (2006) 395-401
- Jacobson H. «Elijahs Sleeping Baal» Vol.79 (1998) 413-413
- Jauhiainen Marko «The Measuring of the Sanctuary Reconsidered (Rev 11,1-2)» Vol.83 (2002) 507-526
- Jennings Mark «The Fourth Gospel’s Reversal of Mark in John 13,31‒14,3» Vol.94 (2013) 210-236
- Jensen Morten Hørning «Rural Galilee and Rapid Changes: An Investigation of the Socio-Economic Dynamics and Developments in Roman Galilee» Vol.93 (2012) 43-67
- Johnson Earl S. «Mark 15,39 and the So-Called Confession of the Roman Centurion» Vol.81 (2000) 406-413
- Joo Samantha ««Trembled Like Him»: Reassessment of 1 Sam 13,7b» Vol.91 (2010) 433-440
- Joosten Jan «La prosopopée, les pseudo-citations et la vocation d’Isaïe (Is 6,9-10)» Vol.82 (2001) 232-243
- Joseph Simon J. ««Seek His Kingdom»: Q 12,22b-31, God’s Providence, and Adamic Wisdom.» Vol.92 (2011) 392-410
- Ausloos Hans - Kabergs Valérie «Paronomasia or Wordplay? A Babel-Like Confusion. Towards a Definition of Hebrew Wordplay» Vol.93 (2012) 1-20
- Kalimi Isaac «The View of Jerusalem in the Ethnographical Introduction of Chronicles (1 Chr 1–9)» Vol.83 (2002) 556-562
- Kalimi Isaac «King Solomon: His Birth and Names in the Second Temple Period Literature» Vol.93 (2012) 481-499
- Kamell Mariam J. «The Implications of Grace for The Ethics of James» Vol.92 (2011) 274-287
- Kang Seung Il «The 'Molten Sea', or Is It?» Vol.89 (2008) 101-103
- Kavanagh Preston «The Jehoiachin Code in Scripture’s Priestly Benediction» Vol.88 (2007) 234-244
- Keith Chris «'In My Own Hand': Grapho-Literacy and the Apostle Paul» Vol.89 (2008) 39-58
- Kellenberger Edgar «Gottes Doppelrolle in Ijob 16» Vol.90 (2009) 224-236
- Kibbe Michael «Requesting and Rejecting: 'Paraiteomai' in Heb 12,18-29» Vol.96 (2015) 282-286
- Kierspel Lars «'Dematerializing' Religion: Reading John 2–4 as a Chiasm» Vol.89 (2008) 526-554
- Kilchör Benjamin «Passah und Mazzot - Ein Überblick über die Forschung seit dem 19. Jahrhundert» Vol.94 (2013) 340-367
- Kilgallen John «The Importance of the Redactor in Luke 18,9-14» Vol.79 (1998) 69-75
- Kilgallen John «The Strivings of the Flesh
(Galatians 5,17)» Vol.80 (1999) 113-114
- Kilgallen John «Jesus First Trial: Messiah and Son of God (Luke 22,66-71)» Vol.80 (1999) 401-414
- Kilgallen John «`The Apostles Whom He Chose because of the Holy Spirit'
A Suggestion Regarding Acts 1,2» Vol.81 (2000) 414-417
- Kilgallen John «The Obligation to Heal (Luke 13,10-17)» Vol.82 (2001) 402-409
- Kilgallen John «‘With many other words’ (Acts 2,40): Theological Assumptions in Peter’s Pentecost Speech» Vol.83 (2002) 71-87
- Kilgallen John «Hostility to Paul in Pisidian Antioch (Acts 13,45) — Why?» Vol.84 (2003) 1-15
- Kilgallen John «Martha and Mary: Why at Luke 10,38-42?» Vol.84 (2003) 554-561
- Kilgallen John «What Does It Mean to Say That There Are Additions in Luke 7,36-50?» Vol.86 (2005) 529-535
- Kilgallen John «Luke wrote to Rome – a Suggestion» Vol.88 (2007) 251-255
- Kilgallen John «Luke 20,13 and i1swj» Vol.89 (2008) 263-264
- Kilgallen John «Acts 28,28 — Why?» Vol.90 (2009) 176-187
- Kilgallen John «Was Jesus Right to Eat with Sinners and Tax Collectors?» Vol.93 (2012) 590-600
- Kim D.W. «What Shall We Do? The Community Rules of Thomas in the ‘Fifth Gospel’» Vol.88 (2007) 393-414
- Kim D.W. «Where Does It Fit? The Unknown Parables in the Gospel of Thomas» Vol.94 (2013) 585-595
- Kim Hak Chol «The Worship of Jesus in the Gospel of Matthew» Vol.93 (2012) 227-241
- Kim Jong-Hoon «Intentionale Varianten der Habakukzitate im Pesher Habakuk
Rezeptionsästhetisch untersucht» Vol.88 (2007) 23-37
- Kim Tae Hun «The Anarthrous ui(o\j qeou= in Mark 15,39 and the Roman Imperial Cult» Vol.79 (1998) 221-241
- Kim Yoo-ki «The Function of b+yh in Jonah 4 and Its Translation» Vol.90 (2009) 389-393
- Kim Yoo-ki «The Agent of hesed in Naomi’s Blessing (Ruth 2,20)» Vol.95 (2014) 589-601
- Kirchmayr Karl «Die Bedeutung von 666 und 616 (Offb 13,18)» Vol.95 (2014) 424-427
- Kislev Itamar «The Vocabulary of the Septuagint and Literary Criticism: The Case of Numbers 27,15-23» Vol.90 (2009) 59-67
- Klingbeil Gerald - Klingbeil Chantal J. «‘Eyes to Hear’: Nehemiah 1,6 from a Pragmatics and Ritual Theory Perspective» Vol.91 (2010) 91-102
- Klingbeil Gerald - Klingbeil Chantal J. «‘Eyes to Hear’: Nehemiah 1,6 from a Pragmatics and Ritual Theory Perspective» Vol.91 (2010) 91-102
- Kollmann Bernd «Philippus der Evangelist und die Anfänge der Heidenmission» Vol.81 (2000) 551-565
- Körting Corinna «Sach 5,5-11 – Die Unrechtmäßigkeit wird an ihren Ort verwiesen» Vol.87 (2006) 477-492
- Kraus Thomas J. «Ad fontes: Gewinn durch die Konsultation von Originalhandschriften am Beispiel von P. Vindob. G 31974» Vol.82 (2001) 1-16
- Krause Joachim J. «Aesthetics of Production and Aesthetics of Reception in Analyzing Intertextuality: Illustrated with Joshua 2» Vol.96 (2015) 416-427
- Kreitzer Larry J. «The Plutonium of Hierapolis and the Descent of Christ into
the 'Lowermost Parts of the Earth' (Ephesians 4,9)» Vol.79 (1998) 381-393
- Kreuzer Florian «Der Antagonist: Der Satan in der Hebräischen Bibel – eine bekannte Größe?» Vol.86 (2005) 536-544
- Kruger Paul A «A Woman Will 'Encompass' a Man: On Gender Reversal in Jer 31,22b» Vol.89 (2008) 380-388
- Labahn Antje - Ben Zvi Ehud «Observations on Women in the Genealogies of 1 Chronicles 1–9» Vol.84 (2003) 457-478
- Labahn Michael «Between Tradition and Literary. Art. The Use of the Miracle Tradition in the Fourth Gospel» Vol.80 (1999) 178-203
- Lambrecht Jan «The Opening of the Seals (Rev 6,18,6)» Vol.79 (1998) 198-221
- Lambrecht Jan «The Right Things You Want to Do. A Note on Galatians 5,17d» Vol.79 (1998) 515-524
- Lambrecht Jan «Abraham and His Offspring. A Comparison of Galatians 5,1 with 3,13» Vol.80 (1999) 525-536
- Lambrecht Jan «Final Judgments and Ultimate Blessings: The Climactic Visions
of Revelation 20,11-21,8» Vol.81 (2000) 362-385
- Lambrecht Jan «The Fool’s Speech and Its Context: Paul’s Particular Way of Arguing in 2 Cor 10–13» Vol.82 (2001) 305-324
- Lambrecht Jan «The Line of Thought in Romans 7,15-20» Vol.85 (2004) 393-398
- Lang Martin - Messner Reinhard «Gott erbaut sein himmlisches Heiligtum. Zur Bedeutung von w$td@fgU)j
in Am 9,6» Vol.82 (2001) 93-98
- Lanier Gregory R. «"From God" or "from Heaven"? "ex upsous" in Luke 1,78» Vol.97 (2016) 121-127
- Feník Juraj - Lapko Róbert «Annunciations to Mary in Luke 1–2» Vol.96 (2015) 498-524
- Lau Markus «Die Legio X Fretensis und der Besessene von Gerasa. Anmerkungen zur Zahlenangabe “ungefähr Zweitausend” (Mk 5,13)» Vol.88 (2007) 351-364
- Lau Peter H.W. «Gentile Incorporation into Israel in Ezra - Nehemiah?» Vol.90 (2009) 356-373
- Lauber Stephan «Das Buch Maleachi als literarische Fortschreibung von Sacharja? Eine Stichprobe» Vol.88 (2007) 214-221
- Di Lella Alexander A. «Tobit 4,19 and Romans 9,18: An Intertextual Study» Vol.90 (2009) 260-263
- Lemmelijn Bénédicte «The Phrase Mynb)bw Myc(bw in Exod 7,19» Vol.80 (1999) 264-268
- Lerner Phillip «Redefining h)lth. An Assurance of Israel’s Return
to the Land in Jethro’s Covenant» Vol.87 (2006) 402-411
- Leuchter Mark «Jeremiah’s 70-Year Prophecy and the ymq bl/K##Atbash Codes» Vol.85 (2004) 503-522
- Leuchter Mark «Tyre’s “70 Years” in Isaiah 23,15-18» Vol.87 (2006) 412-417
- Leuchter Mark «'Why Tarry The Wheels of his Chariot?' (Judg 5,28): Canaanite Chariots and Echoes of Egypt in the Song of Deborah.» Vol.91 (2010) 256-268
- Leuchter Mark «Eisodus as Exodus: The Song of the Sea (Exod 15) Reconsidered.» Vol.92 (2011) 321-346
- Leuchter Mark «Inter-Levitical Polemics in the late 6th century BCE: The Evidence from Nehemiah 9» Vol.95 (2014) 269-279
- Leuenberger Martin «“Deine Gnade ist besser als Leben” (Ps 63,4).
Ausformungen der Grundkonstellation von Leben und Tod im alten
Israel» Vol.86 (2005) 343-368
- Levieils Xavier «Juifs et Grecs dans la communauté johannique» Vol.82 (2001) 51-78
- Lichtert Claude «Récit et noms de Dieu dans le livre de Jonas» Vol.84 (2003) 247-251
- Linville James R. «Visions and Voices: Amos 79» Vol.80 (1999) 22-42
- Litwak Kenneth D. «Israel’s Prophets Meet Athens’ Philosophers: Scriptural Echoes in Acts 17,22-31» Vol.85 (2004) 199-216
- Liverani Mario «Nuovi sviluppi nello studio dellIsraele Biblico» Vol.80 (1999) 488-505
- Loiseau Anne-Françoise «Note sur la traduction araméenne de 1 R 19,12.» Vol.92 (2011) 442-444
- Brandt Pierre-Yves - Lukinovich Alessandra «L’adresse à Jésus dans les évangiles synoptiques» Vol.82 (2001) 17-50
- Luzarraga Jesús «El Benedictus (Lc 1,68-79) a través del arameo» Vol.80 (1999) 305-359
- Lynch Matthew J. «Neglected Physical Dimensions of “Shame” Terminology in the Hebrew Bible» Vol.91 (2010) 499-517
- Lyons Michael A. «Marking Innerbiblical Allusion in the Book of Ezekiel» Vol.88 (2007) 245-250
- De Roo Jacqueline C.R. «Was the Goat for Azazel Destined for the Wrath of God?» Vol.81 (2000) 233-242
- Brenk Frederick E. - Canali De Rossi S.J Filippo «The ‘Notorious’ Felix, Procurator of Judaea, and His Many Wives (Acts 23–24)» Vol.82 (2001) 410-417
- Labahn Antje - Ben Zvi Ehud «Observations on Women in the Genealogies of 1 Chronicles 1–9» Vol.84 (2003) 457-478