Index by Authors
- Van Den Eynde S. «Crying to God Prayer and Plot in the Book of Judith» Vol.85 (2004) 217-231
- Macatanguay Francis M. «Mistos and Irony in the Book of Tobit» Vol.94 (2013) 576-
- Makujina John «The Interpretation of Ps 144,14: Applying a Pluralistic Approach to a Manifold Difficulty» Vol.92 (2011) 481-502
- Malone Andrew S. «Burn or Boast? Keeping the 1 Corinthians 13,3 Debate in Balance» Vol.90 (2009) 400-406
- Manzi Franco «La fede degli uomini e la singolare relazione filiale di Gesù con Dio nell’Epistola agli Ebrei» Vol.81 (2000) 32-62
- Markl Dominik «Hab 3 in intertextueller und kontextueller Sicht» Vol.85 (2004) 99-108
- Martin Gustavo «Procedural Register in the Olivet Discourse: A Functional Linguistic Approach to Mark 13» Vol.90 (2009) 457-483
- Martin Michael «A Note on the Two Endings of John» Vol.87 (2006) 523-525
- Garcia Martínez Florentino «Las tradiciones sobre Melquisedec en los manuscritos de Qumrán» Vol.81 (2000) 70-80
- Marulli Luca «A Letter of Recommendation? A Closer look at Third John’s “rhetorical” Argumentation» Vol.90 (2009) 203-223
- Marx Alfred «L’impureté selon P. Une lecture théologique» Vol.82 (2001) 363-384
- Mazzinghi Luca «The Divine Violence in the Book of Qoheleth» Vol.90 (2009) 545-558
- McCruden Kevin B. «Judgment and Life for the Lord: Occasion and Theology of Romans 14,1–15,13» Vol.86 (2005) 229-244
- McGarry Eugene P. «An Underappreciated Medical Allusion in Amos 6,6?» Vol.90 (2009) 559-563
- McGeough Kevin «Birth Bricks, Potter’s Wheels, and Exodus 1,16» Vol.87 (2006) 305-318
- McNamara Martin «Melchizedek: Gen 14,17-20 in the Targums, in Rabbinic and Early Christian Literature» Vol.81 (2000) 1-31
- Meek Russell L. «Intertextuality, Inner-Biblical Exegesis, and Inner-Biblical Allusion: The Ethics of a Methodology» Vol.95 (2014) 280-291
- Meier John P. «The Present State of the Third Quest for the Historical Jesus: Loss and Gain» Vol.80 (1999) 459-487
- Meier John P. «The Historical Jesus and the Historical Samaritans: What can be Said?» Vol.81 (2000) 202-232
- Menken Maarten J.J. «The Old Testament Quotation in Matthew 27,9-10: Textual Form and Context» Vol.83 (2002) 305-328
- Menken Maarten J.J. «Striking the Shepherd. Early Christian Versions and Interpretations of Zechariah 13,7» Vol.92 (2011) 39-59
- Merecz Robert J. «Jezebel’s Oath (1 Kgs 19,2)» Vol.90 (2009) 257-259
- Van Der Merwe Christo H.J. «Lexical Meaning in Biblical Hebrew and Cognitive Semantics: a Case Study» Vol.87 (2006) 85-95
- Lang Martin - Messner Reinhard «Gott erbaut sein himmlisches Heiligtum. Zur Bedeutung von w$td@fgU)j
in Am 9,6» Vol.82 (2001) 93-98
- Mézange Christophe «Simon le Zélote était-il un révolutionnaire?» Vol.81 (2000) 489-506
- Middlemas Jill «The Prophets, the Priesthood, and the Image of God (Gen 1,26-27)» Vol.97 (2016) 321-341
- Mies Françoise «"De la brûlure d’un feu..." – Ben Sira 51,5a (hébreu)» Vol.86 (2005) 260-268
- Migsch Herbert «Wohnten die Rechabiter in Jerusalem in Häusern oder in Zelten? Die Verbformationen in Jer 35,8-11» Vol.79 (1998) 242-257
- Migsch Herbert «Zur Bedeutung von )lm
Niph(al in Num 14,21 und Ps 72,19» Vol.82 (2001) 79-83
- Migsch Herbert «'Eingehalten worden sind die Worte Jehonadabs'. Zur Interpretation von Jer 35,14» Vol.82 (2001) 385-401
- Miller Geoffrey D. «Canonicity and Gender Roles: Tobit and Judith as Test Cases» Vol.97 (2016) 199-221
- Mitchell David C. «The Fourth Deliverer: A Josephite Messiah in 4QTestimonia» Vol.86 (2005) 545-553
- Morrison Gary «The Composition of II Maccabees: Insights Provided by a Literary topos» Vol.90 (2009) 564-572
- Moshavi Adina «Two Types of Argumentation Involving Rhetorical Questions in Biblical Hebrew Dialogue» Vol.90 (2009) 32-46
- Mowery Robert L. «Son of God in Roman Imperial Titles and Matthew» Vol.83 (2002) 100-110
- Mowery Robert L. «Paul and Caristanius at Pisidian Antioch» Vol.87 (2006) 223-242
- Mrozek Andrzej - Votto Silvano «The Motif of the Sleeping Divinity» Vol.80 (1999) 415-419
- Muller Christoph G. «Der Zeuge und das Licht. Joh 1,1–4,3 und das Darstellungsprinzip dersu/gkrisij» Vol.84 (2003) 479-509
- Murray Donald F. «Under Yhwh’s Veto: David as Shedder of Blood in Chronicles» Vol.82 (2001) 457-476
- Myers Alicia D. «Prosopopoetics and Conflict: Speech and Expectations in John 8» Vol.92 (2011) 580-596
- Sánchez Navarro Luis «Estructura testimonial del Evangelio de Juan» Vol.86 (2005) 511-528
- Na'aman Nadav «New Light on Hezekiah's Second Prophetic Story (2 Kgs 19,9b-35)» Vol.81 (2000) 393-402
- Na’aman Nadav «Death Formulae and the Burial Place of the Kings of the House of David» Vol.85 (2004) 245-254
- Na’aman Nadav «The Israelite-Judahite Struggle for the Patrimony of Ancient Israel» Vol.91 (2010) 1-23
- Na’aman Nadav «Biblical and Historical Jerusalem in the Tenth and Fifth-Fourth Centuries BCE» Vol.93 (2012) 21-42
- Na’aman Nadav «Jebusites and Jabeshites in the Saul and David Story-Cycles» Vol.95 (2014) 481-497
- Neumann Nils «Bewegungen im Dreieck: Heil als Begegnung im erzählten Raum des lukanischen Sonderguts.» Vol.97 (2016) 375-394
- Newman Hillel I. «A Hippodrome on the Road to Ephrath» Vol.86 (2005) 213-228
- Neyrey Jerome H. «"First", "Only", "One of a Few", and "No One Else". The Rhetoric of Uniqueness and the Doxologies in 1 Timothy» Vol.86 (2005) 59-87
- Nicklas Tobias «Der Text und die Texte. Berührpunkte von Textkritik, Textgeschichte und
Interpretationsgeschichte am Beispiel von Ps 126» Vol.81 (2000) 252-261
- Nicklas Tobias «Formkritik und Leserrezeption. Ein Beitrag zur Methodendiskussion am Beispiel Mk 9,14-29» Vol.82 (2001) 496-514
- Nicklas Tobias «Literarkritik und Leserrezeption. Ein Beitrag zur Methodendiskussion am Beispiel Joh 3,22–4,3» Vol.83 (2002) 175-192
- Nicklas Tobias «‘153 große Fische’ (Joh 21,11) Erzählerische Ökonomie und ‘johanneischer Überstieg’» Vol.84 (2003) 366-387
- Hentschel Georg - Nießen Christina «Der Bruderkrieg zwischen Israel und Benjamin (Ri 20)» Vol.89 (2008) 17-38
- Niesiolowski-Spanò Lukasz «Where Should One Look for Gideon’s Ophra?» Vol.86 (2005) 478-493
- Nissinen Martti «Die Liebe von David und Jonatan als Frage der modernen Exegese» Vol.80 (1999) 250-263
- Beaudry Marcel - Nodet Étienne «Le Tigre et lEuphrate en Benjamin» Vol.79 (1998) 97-102
- Nodet Étienne «On Jesus' Last Supper» Vol.91 (2010) 348-369
- Nodet Étienne «On Jesus’ Last Week(s)» Vol.92 (2011) 204-230
- Noonan Benjamin J. «Hide or Hue? Defining Hebrew #x$ At%A» Vol.93 (2012) 580-589
- Opatrny Dominik «The Figure of a Blind Man in the Light of the Papyrological Evidence» Vol.91 (2010) 583-594
- Orlov Andrei «Moses’ Heavenly Counterpart in the Book of Jubilees and the
Exagoge of Ezekiel the Tragedian» Vol.88 (2007) 153-173
- Oropeza B.J. «Laying to Rest the Midrash: Pauls Message on Meat Sacrificed to Idols in Light of the Deuteronomistic Tradition
» Vol.79 (1998) 57-68
- Ossandón Juan Carlos «Bartimaeus’ Faith: Plot and Point of View in Mark 10,46-52» Vol.93 (2012) 377-402
- Oswald Wolfgang «Textwelt, Kontextbezug und historische Situation in Jesaja 7» Vol.89 (2008) 201-220
- Van Oyen Geert «The Vulnerable Authority of the Author of the Gospel of Mark. Re-Reading the Paradoxes» Vol.91 (2010) 161-186
- O'Toole Robert F. «How Does Luke Portray Jesus as Servant of YHWH» Vol.81 (2000) 328-346
- Paffenroth Kim «Jesus as Anointed and Healing Son of David in the Gospel of Matthew» Vol.80 (1999) 547-554
- Paganini Simone «'Ich bin ein Knecht des Herrn'.Bemerkungen zur LXX- Übersetzung des Wortes yrb( in Jon 1,9» Vol.85 (2004) 109-114
- Park Sung Jin «A New Historical Reconstruction of the Fall of Samaria» Vol.93 (2012) 98-106
- Parker Floyd «The Terms "Angel" and "Spirit" in Acts 23,8» Vol.84 (2003) 344-365
- Parker Floyd O. «‘Our Lord and God’ in Rev 4,11: Evidence for the Late Date of Revelation?» Vol.82 (2001) 207-231
- Parker Floyd O. «Is the Subject of 'tetelestai' in John 19,30 'It' or 'All Things' ?» Vol.96 (2015) 222-244
- Parker Victor L. «Judas Maccabaeus' Campaigns against Timothy» Vol.87 (2006) 457-476
- Paschke Boris A. «Die damnatio und consecratio der zwei Zeugen (Offb 11)» Vol.89 (2008) 555-575
- Pavan Marco «Alcune differenze nella divisione delle parole nei manoscritti del TM» Vol.93 (2012) 340-356
- Penna Romano «Appunti sul come e perché il Nuovo Testamento si rapporta all'Antico» Vol.81 (2000) 95-104
- Penna Romano «La questione della dispositio rhetorica nella lettera di Paolo ai Romani: confronto con la lettera 7 di Platone e la lettera 95 di Seneca» Vol.84 (2003) 61-88
- Pereira-Delgado Álvaro «'Las profundidades de Dios' en 1 Corintios 2,10 y Romanos 11,33» Vol.94 (2013) 237-256
- Pesce Mauro - Destro Adriana «La lavanda dei piedi di Gv 13,1-20, il Romanzo di Esopo e i Saturnalia di Macrobio» Vol.80 (1999) 240-249
- Peters Janelle «Crowns in 1 Thessalonians, Philippians, and 1 Corinthians» Vol.96 (2015) 67-84
- Pinker «On the Meaning of wy+m in Habakkuk 3,14a» Vol.86 (2005) 376-386
- Pinker Aron «The Lord’s Bow in Habakkuk 3,9a» Vol.84 (2003) 417-420
- Pinker Aron «On the Meaning of Job 4,18» Vol.93 (2012) 500-519
- Pitta Antonio «Il “discorso del pazzo” o periautologia immoderata? Analisi retorico-letteraria di 2 Cor 11,1–12,18» Vol.87 (2006) 493-510
- Plevnik Joseph «1 Thessalonians 4,17: The Bringing in of the Lord or the Bringing in of the Faithful?» Vol.80 (1999) 537-546
- Prinsloo Gert T.M. «The Role of Space in the twl(mh yry#$ (Psalms 120–134)» Vol.86 (2005) 457-477
- Prosinger Franz «Vorschlag einer dynamisch-konzentrischen Struktur des Johannesprologs» Vol.97 (2016) 244-263
- Granados Rojas Juan Manuel «Ephesians 4,12. A Revised Reading» Vol.92 (2011) 81-96
- Granados Rojas Juan Manuel «Is the Word of God Incomplete? An Exegetical and Rhetorical Study of Col 1,25» Vol.94 (2013) 63-79
- De Roo Jacqueline C.R. «Was the Goat for Azazel Destined for the Wrath of God?» Vol.81 (2000) 233-242
- Brenk Frederick E. - Canali De Rossi S.J Filippo «The ‘Notorious’ Felix, Procurator of Judaea, and His Many Wives (Acts 23–24)» Vol.82 (2001) 410-417
- Puig i Tàrrech Armand «La recherche du Jésus historique» Vol.81 (2000) 179-201
- Labahn Antje - Ben Zvi Ehud «Observations on Women in the Genealogies of 1 Chronicles 1–9» Vol.84 (2003) 457-478