Index by Authors
- Van Den Eynde S. «Crying to God Prayer and Plot in the Book of Judith» Vol.85 (2004) 217-231
- Van Der Merwe Christo H.J. «Lexical Meaning in Biblical Hebrew and Cognitive Semantics: a Case Study» Vol.87 (2006) 85-95
- Sánchez Navarro Luis «Estructura testimonial del Evangelio de Juan» Vol.86 (2005) 511-528
- Van Oyen Geert «The Vulnerable Authority of the Author of the Gospel of Mark. Re-Reading the Paradoxes» Vol.91 (2010) 161-186
- Ramond Sophie «La voix discordante du troisième livre du Psautier (Psaumes 74, 80, 89)» Vol.96 (2015) 39-66
- Rastoin Marc «Pierre 'fils de la colombe' en Mt 16,17?» Vol.83 (2002) 549-555
- Rastoin Marc «Simon-Pierre entre Jésus et Satan» Vol.89 (2008) 153-172
- Rastoin Marc «Encore une fois les 153 poissons (Jn 21,11)» Vol.90 (2009) 84-92
- Rastoin Marc «Cléophas et Lydie: un 'couple' lucanien hautement théologique.» Vol.95 (2014) 371-387
- Reasoner Mark «The Redemptive Inversions of Jeremiah in Romans 9–11» Vol.95 (2014) 388-404
- Reiser Marius «Numismatik und Neues Testament» Vol.81 (2000) 457-488
- Reymond E.D. «Sirach 40,18-27 as ‘T@o=b-Spruch’» Vol.82 (2001) 84-92
- Reymond E.D. «The Hebrew Word hmmd and the Root d-m-m I ('To Be Silent')» Vol.90 (2009) 374-388
- Reymond E.D. «The Wisdom of Words in the Wisdom of Ben Sira» Vol.95 (2014) 224-246
- Reynolds Benjamin E. «The 'One Like a Son of Man' According to the Old Greek of Daniel 7,13-14» Vol.89 (2008) 70-80
- Riecker Siegbert «Ein theologischer Ansatz zum Verständnis der
Altarbaunotizen der Genesis» Vol.87 (2006) 526-530
- Robinson Bernard P. «Form and Meaning in Psalm 131» Vol.79 (1998) 180-197
- Robinson Bernard P. «The Story of Jephthah and his Daughter: Then and Now» Vol.85 (2004) 331-348
- Rofé Alexander «Defilement of Virgins in Biblical Law and the Case of Dinah (Genesis 34)» Vol.86 (2005) 369-375
- Rogland M. «Haggai 2,17 – A New Analysis» Vol.88 (2007) 553-557
- Rogland M. «Heavenly Chariots and Earthly Rebellion in Zechariah 6» Vol.95 (2014) 117-123
- Rohmer Céline «Aux frontières du discours en paraboles (Mt 13,1-53)» Vol.92 (2011) 597-610
- Granados Rojas Juan Manuel «Ephesians 4,12. A Revised Reading» Vol.92 (2011) 81-96
- Granados Rojas Juan Manuel «Is the Word of God Incomplete? An Exegetical and Rhetorical Study of Col 1,25» Vol.94 (2013) 63-79
- Rojas-Flores Gonzalo «The Book of Revelation and the First Years of Nero’s Reign» Vol.85 (2004) 375-392
- Romanello Stefano «Rom 7,7-25 and the Impotence of the Law. A Fresh Look at a Much-Debated Topic Using Literary-Rhetorical Analysis» Vol.84 (2003) 510-530
- Romanov Andrey «Through One Lord Only: Theological Interpretation of the Meaning of 'dia', in 1 Cor 8,6» Vol.96 (2015) 391-415
- De Roo Jacqueline C.R. «Was the Goat for Azazel Destined for the Wrath of God?» Vol.81 (2000) 233-242
- Rooke Deborah W. «Jesus as Royal Priest: Reflections on the Interpretation of the Melchizedek Tradition in Heb 7» Vol.81 (2000) 81-94
- Roose Hanna «Joh 20,30f.: Ein (un)passender Schluss? Joh 9 und 11 als primäre Verweisstellen der Schlussnotiz des Johannesevangeliums» Vol.84 (2003) 326-343
- van Rooy H.F. «The Headings of the Psalms in the East Syriac Tradition Reconsidered» Vol.89 (2008) 505-525
- Rösel Martin «Wie einer vom Propheten zum Verführer wurde. Tradition und Rezeption der Bileamgestalt» Vol.80 (1999) 506-524
- Brenk Frederick E. - Canali De Rossi S.J Filippo «The ‘Notorious’ Felix, Procurator of Judaea, and His Many Wives (Acts 23–24)» Vol.82 (2001) 410-417
- Royalty Robert M. «Dwelling on Visions.On the Nature of the so-called ‘Colossians Heresy’» Vol.83 (2002) 329-357
- Rudman Dominic «A Note on Zephaniah» Vol.80 (1999) 109-112
- Rudman Dominic «A Note on the Personal Name Amon (2 Kings 21,19-26 || 2 Chr
33,21-25)» Vol.81 (2000) 403-405
- Rudman Dominic «The Crucifixion as Chaoskampf: A New Reading of the Passion Narrative in the Synoptic Gospels» Vol.84 (2003) 102-107
- Rulmu Callia «Between Ambition and Quietism: the Socio-political Background of 1 Thessalonians 4,9-12» Vol.91 (2010) 393-417
- Vanhoye S.J. Albert «Pi/stij Xristou=: fede in Cristo o affidabilità di Cristo?» Vol.80 (1999) 1-21
- Vanhoye S.J. Albert «La définition de l’"autre évangile" en Ga 1,6-7» Vol.83 (2002) 392-398
- S0trba Blaz0ej «hn#$w#$ of the Canticle» Vol.85 (2004) 475-502
- Sabottka Liudger «Ps 2,12: 'Küsst den Sohn!'?» Vol.87 (2006) 96-97
- Samet Nili «The Gilgamesh Epic and the Book of Qohelet: A New Look» Vol.96 (2015) 375-390
- Van de Sande Axel «ytm-d / ( hn)-d( + qatal» Vol.94 (2013) 107-116
- Sanders Paul «So May God Do To Me!» Vol.85 (2004) 91-98
- Sandnes Karl Olav «Whence and Whither. A Narrative Perspective on Birth a!nwqen
(John 3,3-8)» Vol.86 (2005) 153-173
- Sandnes Karl Olav «Prophet-Like Apostle: A Note on the "Radical New Perspective" in Pauline Studies» Vol.96 (2015) 550-564
- van de Sandt Huub «James 4,1-4 in the Light of the Jewish Two Ways
Tradition 3,1-6» Vol.88 (2007) 38-63
- Sargent Benjamin «Chosen through Sanctification (1 Pet 1,2 and 2 Thess 2,13). The Theology or Diction of Silvanus?» Vol.94 (2013) 117-120
- Sasson Victor «The Literary and Theological
Function of Job’s Wife in the Book of Job» Vol.79 (1998) 86-90
- Schapdick Stefan «Der gebundene Starke (Mk 3,27) als markinisches Programm einer Umwertung der Werte.» Vol.95 (2014) 546-569
- Scherer Andreas «Vom Sinn prophetischer Gerichtsverkündigung bei Amos und Hosea» Vol.86 (2005) 1-19
- Schipper Jeremy «What Was Samson Thinking in Judges 16,17 and 16,20?» Vol.92 (2011) 60-69
- Schmid Konrad «Genesis and Exodus as Two Formerly Independent Traditions of Origins for Ancient Israel» Vol.93 (2012) 187-208
- Schmidt Hansjörg «How to Read the First Epistle of John Non-Polemically» Vol.85 (2004) 24-41
- Schmidt Karl Matthias «Bekehrung zur Zerstreuung. Paulus und der äthiopische
Eunuch im Kontext der lukanischen Diasporatheologie» Vol.88 (2007) 191-213
- Schmidt Ulrich «Zum Paradox vom 'Verlieren' und 'Finden' des Lebens» Vol.89 (2008) 329-351
- Schmitt Hans-Christoph «Wie deuteronomistisch ist der nichtpriesterliche Meerwunderbericht von Exodus 13,17-14,31?» Vol.95 (2014) 26-48
- Schreiber Stefan «Eine neue Jenseitshoffnung in Thessaloniki und ihre Probleme (1 Thess 4,13-18)» Vol.88 (2007) 326-350
- Schroeder Christoph «Psalm 3 und das Traumorakel des von Feinden bedrängten Beters» Vol.81 (2000) 243-251
- Guillaume Philippe - Schunck Michael «Job’s Intercession: Antidote to Divine Folly» Vol.88 (2007) 457-472
- Schütte Wolfgang «Israels Exil in Juda und die Volkersprüche in Am 1-2» Vol.92 (2011) 528-553
- Schütte Wolfgang «Die Amosschrift als juda-exilische israelitische Komposition» Vol.93 (2012) 520-542
- Schütte Wolfgang «Die Entstehung der juda-exilischen Hoseaschrift» Vol.95 (2014) 198-223
- Schweitzer Steven James «The High Priest in Chronicles: An Anomaly in a Detailed Description of the Temple Cult» Vol.84 (2003) 388-402
- Schwindt Rainer «Mehr Wurzel als Stamm und Krone. Zur Bildrede vom
Ölbaum in Röm 11,16-24» Vol.88 (2007) 64-91
- Seland Torrey «Saul of Tarsus and Early Zealotism. Reading Gal 1,13-14 in Light of Philo’s Writings» Vol.83 (2002) 449-471
- Van Seters John «Dating the Yahwist’s History: Principles and Perspectives.» Vol.96 (2015) 1-25
- Sharon Nadav «Herod's Age When Appointed Strategos of Galilee: Scribal Error or Literary Motif?» Vol.95 (2014) 49-63
- Shepherd David «The Case of The Targum of Job in the Rabbinic Bible and the Solger Codex
(MS Nürnberg)» Vol.79 (1998) 360-380
- Ska Jean Louis «Genesis 22: What Question Should We Ask the Text?» Vol.94 (2013) 257-267
- Ska Jean Louis «Old and New in the Book of Numbers» Vol.95 (2014) 102-116
- Slater Thomas B. «Dating the Apocalypse to John» Vol.84 (2003) 252-258
- Slater Thomas B. «Translating a#gioj in Col 1,2 and Eph 1,1» Vol.87 (2006) 52-54
- Smit Joop F.M. «Epideictic Rhetoric in Paul’s First Letter to the Corinthians 1–4» Vol.84 (2003) 183-201
- Sneed Mark «A Note on Qoh 8,12b-13» Vol.84 (2003) 412-416
- Sommer Michael «Die literarische Konzeption von räumlicher und zeitlicher Wahrnehmung in der Johannesoffenbarung.» Vol.96 (2015) 565-585
- Spieckermann Hermann «Suchen und Finden; Kohelets kritische Reflexionen» Vol.79 (1998) 305-332
- Spieckermann Hermann «God's Steadfast Love Towards a New Conception of Old
Testament Theology» Vol.81 (2000) 305-327
- Spitaler Peter «Doubt or Dispute (Jude 9 and 22-23). Rereading a Special New Testament Meaning through the Lense of Internal Evidence» Vol.87 (2006) 201-222
- Staubli Thomas «Die Symbolik des Vogelrituals bei der Reinigung von Aussätzigen (Lev 14,4-7)» Vol.83 (2002) 230-237
- Stavrakopoulou Francesca «Exploring the Garden of Uzza: Death, Burial and Ideologies of Kingship» Vol.87 (2006) 1-21
- Steegen Martijn «M. Steegen: To Worship the Johannine 'Son of Man'. John 9,38 as Refocusing on the Father» Vol.91 (2010) 534-554
- Steiner R.C. «Bitte6-
Ya=, daughter of Pharaoh (1Chr 4,18),
and Bint(i)-
(Anat, daughter
of Ramesses II» Vol.79 (1998) 394-408
- Steiner Till Magnus «'Gott stieg hinauf ...' (Ps 47,6) — wohin? Psalm 47 als exilische Hoffnung auf Restitution
» Vol.95 (2014) 161-178
- Stettler Christian «The 'Command of the Lord' in 1 Cor 14,37 – a Saying of Jesus?» Vol.87 (2006) 42-51
- Stettler Hanna «Sanctification in the Jesus Tradition» Vol.85 (2004) 153-178
- Stettler Hanna «Die Bedeutung der Täuferanfrage in Matthäus 11,2-6 par Lk 7,18-23 für die Christologie» Vol.89 (2008) 173-200
- Stettler Hanna «Die Gebote Jesu im Johannesevangelium (14,15.21; 15,10)» Vol.92 (2011) 554-579
- Stipp Hermann-Josef «Vier Gestalten einer Totenerweckungserzählung (1 Kön 17,17-24; 2 Kön 4,8-37; Apg 9,36-42; Apg 20,7-12)» Vol.80 (1999) 43-77
- Stipp Hermann-Josef «Zwei alte Jeremia-Erzählungen: Jeremia 28 und 36. Fallstudien zum Ursprung der Jeremia-Erzähltradition» Vol.96 (2015) 321-350
- Stock Klemens «Die Inspiration der Heiligen Schrift nach dem Johannesevangelium» Vol.96 (2015) 525-549
- Stolz Lukas «Das Einführen des Erstgeborenen in die 'oikoumene' (Hebr 1,6a)» Vol.95 (2014) 405-423
- Strawn Brent A. «Jonah’s Sailors and Their Lot Casting: A Rhetorical-Critical Observation» Vol.91 (2010) 66-76
- Strelan Rick «Who Was Bar Jesus (Acts 13,6-12)?» Vol.85 (2004) 65-81
- Strong John T. «Verb Forms of sm( in Ezekiel and Lamentations» Vol.88 (2007) 546-552
- Sumpter Philip «The Coherence of Psalms 15–24» Vol.94 (2013) 186-209
- Swetnam James «The Crux at Hebrews 5,7-8» Vol.81 (2000) 347-361
- Swetnam James « )Ec e(no/j in Hebrews 2,11» Vol.88 (2007) 517-525
- Swetnam James «o( a)po/stoloj in Hebrews 3,1» Vol.89 (2008) 252-262
- Swetnam James «Tw~n lalhqhsome/nwn in Hebrews 3,5» Vol.90 (2009) 93-100
- Swetnam James «The Crux at Hebrews 2,9 in Its Context» Vol.91 (2010) 103-111
- Swetnam James «The Meaning of toi/j a)kou/sasin at Hebrews 4,2» Vol.93 (2012) 601-608
- Synek Eva M. «Die Apostolischen Konstitutionen ein "christlicher Talmud" aus dem 4. Jh.» Vol.79 (1998) 27-56
- Tack Laura «A Face Reflecting Glory. 2 Cor 3,18 in its Literary Context (2 Cor 3,1 – 4,15).» Vol.96 (2015) 85-112
- Talbert Charles H. «Indicative and Imperative in Matthean Soteriology» Vol.82 (2001) 515-538
- Tam Josaphat C. «When Papyri and Codices Speak: Revisiting John 2,23-25.» Vol.95 (2014) 570-588
- Puig i Tàrrech Armand «La recherche du Jésus historique» Vol.81 (2000) 179-201
- Thiessen Matthew «Abolishers of the Law in Early Judaism and Matthew 5,17-20» Vol.93 (2012) 543-556
- Tichy Ladislav «Was hat Zachäus geantwortet? (Lk 19,8)» Vol.92 (2011) 21-38
- Tiemeyer Lena-Sofia «"The Haughtiness of the Priesthood" (Isa 65,5)» Vol.85 (2004) 237-244
- Tiemeyer Lena-Sofia «The Question of Indirect Touch: Lam 4,14; Ezek 44,19 and Hag 2,12-13» Vol.87 (2006) 64-74
- van Tilborg Sjef «The Danger at Midday: Death Threats in the Apocalypse» Vol.85 (2004) 1-23
- Timmer Daniel C. «Small Lexemes, Large Semantics: Prepositions and Theology
in the Golden Calf Episode (Exodus 32–34)» Vol.88 (2007) 92-99
- Timmer Daniel C. «Sectarianism and Soteriology. The Priestly Blessing (Numbers 6,24-26) in the Qumranite Community Rule (1QS)» Vol.89 (2008) 389-396
- Tobola Lukasz «The Divine Name Chemosh: A New Etymological Proposal» Vol.94 (2013) 573-575
- Topel John «What Kind of a Sign are Vultures? Luke 17,37b» Vol.84 (2003) 403-411
- Tops Thomas «Whose Truth? A Reader-Oriented Study of the Johannine Pilate and John 18,38a» Vol.97 (2016) 395-420
- Trompf Garry W. «The Epistle of Jude, Irenaeus, and the Gospel of Judas» Vol.91 (2010) 555-582
- Troxel Ronald L. «Economic Plunder as a Leitmotif in LXX-Isaiah» Vol.83 (2002) 375-391
- Tucker W. Dennis «Psalm 95: Text, Context, and Intertext» Vol.81 (2000) 533-541
- Labahn Antje - Ben Zvi Ehud «Observations on Women in the Genealogies of 1 Chronicles 1–9» Vol.84 (2003) 457-478