Alex Damm, «Ancient Rhetoric as a Guide to Literary Dependence: The Widow’s Mite», Vol. 97 (2016) 222-243
This essay applies conventions of ancient rhetoric to the analysis of the literary sequence of Mark and Luke’s Gospels. With an eye on basic and more advanced rhetorical handbooks, I outline two significant rhetorical conventions for improving upon literary sources: clarity (perspecuitas) and propriety (aptum). When we ask whether the evangelist Mark has applied these principles to the adaptation of Luke's Gospel (following the Griesbach Hypothesis), or whether Luke has applied these principles to the adaptation of Mark (following the Two-Document and Farrer Hypotheses) in the pericope of the Widow's Mite, we find that the latter scenario is more plausible.
226 ALEx DAmm
Significantly, these principles find basic expression in the progym-
nasmata. For example, when Theon describes the chreia, he recom-
mends that it have clear style. And on this point regarding clarity we
must place special emphasis. indeed, i wish to highlight principles C
and D. These principles are of greatest importance for gauging chreia
adaptation, for they are universal: no matter what one’s reasons for
adapting a chreia (or anything else), one must express it clearly and ap-
propriately. it is plausible to imagine an author clarifying and rendering
more appropriate his sources’ contents and style, or at least maintaining
what he finds; it is much harder to imagine an author attenuating clarity
and propriety. Together, these two virtues are a powerful standard for
gauging which of two evangelists improves the other’s chreiai 11.
ii. The Chreia of the Widow’s mite (mark 12,41-44 / Luke 21,1-4)
in what follows, i shall examine a chreia common to Luke and mark’s
Gospels. This chreia constitutes the pericope of the Widow’s mite
(mark 12,41-44 / Luke 21,1-4). mark and Luke’s chreiai are expanded
chreiai: they contain a narrative introduction followed by a saying, in
this case a saying of Jesus 12. As we proceed to illustrate how rhetorical
principles infer literary sequence in chreiai, it is important to remember
the special importance of clarity and propriety as standards for improve-
ment. Significantly, apropos of propriety, the rhetorical handbooks
imply that expanded chreiai, which anticipate instructional material
(a statement of facts, proposition and proofs) in a fully developed judi-
cial speech, ought to have a plain — that is to say, clear, plausible and
concise — style 13. We shall use these principles shortly to help infer
the more plausible sequence of mark and Luke.
DAmm, Ancient Rhetoric and the Synoptic Problem, 58-79, esp. 70, 69-71,
See K. BErGEr, Formgeschichte des Neuen Testaments (Heidelberg 1984)
80-81. On expanded chreiai, see DAmm, Ancient Rhetoric and the Synoptic Prob-
lem, 26, 39-40, and V. K. rOBBinS, “The Chreia”, Greco-Roman Literature and
the New Testament. Selected Forms and Genres (ed. D. E. AUnE) (SBL.SBS 21;
Atlanta, GA 1988) 1-23.
Some writers like Theon claimed that a chreia ought to have a clear and a
somewhat elevated, “artful” style. For Theon see Progymnasmata (ed. Spengel)
2.74, 104, 106; Kennedy, Progymnasmata, 22, 23, 24; and DAmm, Ancient Rhet-
oric and the Synoptic Problem, 25 n. 146. For the rhetorical handbooks, see DAmm,
Ancient Rhetoric and the Synoptic Problem, 62-63, 284-285. For the chreia as
anticipating a judicial speech, see DAmm, Ancient Rhetoric and the Synoptic
Problem, 34-35, 45-47. The expanded, narrative portion of this chreia (mark