Nathan Eubank, «Dying with Power. Mark 15,39 from Ancient to Modern Interpretation», Vol. 95 (2014) 247-268
This article examines the reception-history of Mark 15,39 to shed new light on this pivotal and disputed verse. Mark's earliest known readers emended the text to clarify the centurion's feelings about Jesus and to explain how the centurion came to faith. Copyists inserted references to Jesus' final yell around the same time that patristic commentators were claiming that this yell was a miracle that proved Jesus' divinity, an interpretation which was enshrined in the Byzantine text and the Vulgate. The article concludes that a 'sarcastic' reading is a more adequate description of 15,39 as found in B, NA28 etc.
05_Eubank_247_268 15/07/14 12:19 Pagina 250
and Luke, Peter finds a more spectacular impetus for the centurion’s
confession. For Peter it is the resurrection itself that forces the cen-
turion and his soldiers to believe Jesus was the son of God. Also,
just as Matthew mentions that the centurion and those with him
“feared greatly” and Luke depicts him “glorifying God”, Peter
leaves no doubt whether the confession was sincere, describing the
centurion and those with him “agonizing greatly” (avgwniw/ntej
mega,lwj) when they make their confession.
The tendency of later gospels to clarify the tone of the centu-
rion’s remark can be seen easily in synopsis:
Matt 27,54 Mark 15,39 Luke 23,47-48 Peter 45 (after
Jesus’ resurrection)
~O de. e`kato,ntarcoj ivdw.n de. o` ivdw.n de. o` Tau/ta ivdo,ntej oi`
kai. oi` metV auvtou/ kenturi,wn o` e`katonta,rchj to. peri. to.n kenturi,wna
throu/ntej to.n paresthkw.j evx geno,menon nukto.j e;speusan
VIhsou/n ivdo,ntej to.n evnanti,aj auvtou/ o[ti pro.j Peila/ton
seismo.n kai. ta. ou[twj evxe,pneusen avfe,ntej to.n ta,fon
geno,mena ei=pen\ o]n evfu,lasson kai.
evxhgh,santo ta,nta
evfobh,qhsan sfo,dra( evdo,xazen to.n qeo.n a[per ei=don
le,gontej\ le,gwn\ avgwniw/ntej mega,lwj
avlhqw/j qeou/ ui`oj. h=n avlhqw/j ou-toj o` o;ntwj o` a;nqrwpoj kai. le,gontej
ou-tojÅ a;nqrwpoj ui`oj. qeou/ h=nÅ ou-toj di,kaioj h=nÅ avlhqw/j ui`oj. h=n
kai. pa,ntej oi` qeou/.
o;cloi evpi. th.n
qewri,an tau,thn(
qewrh,santej ta.
geno,mena( tu,ptontej
ta. sth,qh
Matt 27,54 Mark 15,39 Luke 23,47-48 Peter 45 (after
Jesus’ resurrection)
The centurion and The centurion who The centurion seeing Those who were
those with him stood facing him what happened with the centurion
guarding Jesus seeing how he seeing these things
seeing the breathed his last hurried in the night
earthquake and the said, to Pilate, leaving the
things that happened tomb they guarded,
and explained all the
things they saw,
feared greatly glorified God agonizing greatly
saying, “Truly this “Truly this man was the saying, “Certainly and saying, “Truly
was God’s Son!” son of God”. this man was this was the son of
innocent!” And all God!”
the crowds who had
gathered for this
spectacle seeing the
things that happened
returned home
beating their breasts.
in Peter (avlhqw/j ui`o.j h=n qeou/) is identical to the Markan confession as
found in A C W et al.