Álvaro Pereira-Delgado, «'Las profundidades de Dios' en 1 Corintios 2,10 y Romanos 11,33», Vol. 94 (2013) 237-256
Paul employs both in 1 Cor 11,33 and in Rm 2,10 the metaphor of 'depth' (bathos) associated with the theme of knowledge. In the two units (1 Corinthians 1–4; Romans 9–11), this metaphor is related to other terms: 'mystery', 'wisdom', 'mind of the Lord' (Is 40,13 in 1 Cor 2,16 and Rm 11,34). After outlining the semantic nuances of the metaphor, we study its inventio (why does Paul use it?), and then reflect on how the two passages combine the limitation of human knowledge, the greatness of divine revelation, and the promise of eschatological salvation.
sino que exclama con entusiasmo ante lo que Dios ya le ha reve-
lado. Y es que los redimidos no pueden por más que rendir “gloriaâ€
(Rm 11,36) a Aquel que previamente los justificó, “glorificó†(Rm
8,30) y predestinó su sabidurÃa en el misterio para la “gloria†(1 Co
2,7) de los que aman a Dios (1 Co 2,10).
c/Pedro Salinas Ãlvaro PEREIRA-DELGADO
24 1ºA; 41013 Sevilla, España
Paul employs both in 1 Cor 11,33 and in Rm 2,10 the metaphor of
“depth†(bathos) associated with the theme of knowledge. In the two units
(1 Corinthians 1–4; Romans 9–11), this metaphor is related to other terms:
“mysteryâ€, “wisdomâ€, “mind of the Lord†(Is 40,13 in 1 Cor 2,16 and Rm
11,34). After outlining the semantic nuances of the metaphor, we study
its inventio (why does Paul use it?), and then reflect on how the two pas-
sages combine the limitation of human knowledge, the greatness of divine
revelation, and the promise of eschatological salvation.
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