Josaphat C. Tam, «When Papyri and Codices Speak: Revisiting John 2,23-25.», Vol. 95 (2014) 570-588
This paper revisits the role of John 2,23-25 in its literary and manuscript context. Contrary to many Johannine commentators who take it as an introduction to the Nicodemus pericope, 2,23-25 should be linked more to the preceding context, not the following. This view is supported by evidence from the sense-unit delimitations observed in the Greek papyri and codices dated within ca. 300 years from the New Testament era. Viewed from a narrative perspective, 2,23-25 should be seen as an anticlimactic concluding remark connected to 1,35 – 2,22.
005_Tam_co_570-588 13/02/15 12:48 Pagina 577
autoic . dia to auton ginwskin pan
egignwcken ti hn en tw anw
3:1 hn de anoc ek twn faricewn nikodh
Between 2,22 and 2,23 in Codex Washingtonianus (W), a space
of about the width of three letters is left, again, marking the end of
a unit. But the presence of an underdot after 2,22 is also observed.
Compared with the same use before DIA TO AUTON GINWSKIN
PANTAI in 2,24, the underdot appears to be used to signal an in-
complete thought, at least in this locale. Thus, to the copyist, a
break is made after 2,22; yet at the same time, the thought is in-
complete without 2,23-25. However 3,1, starts in a new line inten-
tionally, leaving the last part of the previous line blank. Ekthesis
for the first letter of the first word of the verse is observed. The va-
cant end of the previous line and the presence of ekthesis indicate
clearly the beginning of a new paragraph.
c. Codex Vaticanus, B (4th c.) 37
q tw logw on eipen o ic
2:23 wc de hn en toic ϊero
2:24 poiei autoc de ic ouk e
picteuen auton autoic
cken ti hn en tw anqrw
3:1 i pw hn de anqrwpoc
ek twn fareicaiwn
In Codex Vaticanus (B), based on my transcription, paragraphos
is used to separate 2,23 from 2,22. Compared to the same paragraphos
used in 2,24, the break appears not to be major since 2,24 still follows
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