Josaphat C. Tam, «When Papyri and Codices Speak: Revisiting John 2,23-25.», Vol. 95 (2014) 570-588
This paper revisits the role of John 2,23-25 in its literary and manuscript context. Contrary to many Johannine commentators who take it as an introduction to the Nicodemus pericope, 2,23-25 should be linked more to the preceding context, not the following. This view is supported by evidence from the sense-unit delimitations observed in the Greek papyri and codices dated within ca. 300 years from the New Testament era. Viewed from a narrative perspective, 2,23-25 should be seen as an anticlimactic concluding remark connected to 1,35 – 2,22.
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2,23 closely in meaning. Nevertheless, a section numbering marker (q)
in deep red ink is observed in the margin next to 2,22 38. Together with
the paragraphos, it shows that a sense-unit is still demarcated. Between
2,25 and 3,1, a paragraphos is also used. In the margin, a section num-
bering marker (i), following the one in 2,22, is also observed. However,
a space of about the width of two to three letters is deliberately left,
unlike what is in 2,22 and 2,24. Given Stanley Porter’s observation
that ekthesis is not normally used in Vaticanus 39, the combination of
an extra blank space, paragraphos, and the section numbering marker
indicates the presence of a relatively major division, a phenomenon
which Dirk Jongkind identifies as a new paragraph in Vaticanus 40.
d. Codex Sinaiticus, a (4th c.) 41
2:23 ο ιϲ · ωϲ δe ην eν
τοιϲ ϊeροϲολuµοιϲ ·
en τω παϲχα eν
th eορτη · πολλοι ε
3:1 ην δe ανθρωποϲ
In Codex Sinaiticus ()א, after 2,22, a middle stop is observed. Com-
pared with the similar use of the middle stop after EN TH EORTH
in the vicinity of v. 23b, this indicates a minor break/ interpunction,
not a paragraph, since the POLLOI EPISTEUSAN clause follows
the preceding WS clause closely. Other than this, there is no other
mark revealing further sense-unit division. After 2,25, however,
Caspar Gregory finds that it is likely to be inscribed by a second
hand. C.R. GREGORY, Textkritik des Neuen Testamentes (Leipzig 1900) 33.
S.E. PORTER, “Pericope Markers in Some Early Greek New Testa-
ment Manuscripts”, Layout Markers in Biblical Manuscripts and Ugaritic
Tables (eds. M.C.A. KORPEL – J.M. OESCH) (Pericope: Scripture as Writ-
ten and Read in Antiquity 5; Assen, Netherlands 2005) 171.
D. JONGKIND, Scribal Habits of Codex Sinaiticus (Piscataway, NJ
2007) 96.
Online images may be viewed on the website: http://codexsinaiti-