Josaphat C. Tam, «When Papyri and Codices Speak: Revisiting John 2,23-25.», Vol. 95 (2014) 570-588
This paper revisits the role of John 2,23-25 in its literary and manuscript context. Contrary to many Johannine commentators who take it as an introduction to the Nicodemus pericope, 2,23-25 should be linked more to the preceding context, not the following. This view is supported by evidence from the sense-unit delimitations observed in the Greek papyri and codices dated within ca. 300 years from the New Testament era. Viewed from a narrative perspective, 2,23-25 should be seen as an anticlimactic concluding remark connected to 1,35 – 2,22.
005_Tam_co_570-588 02/03/15 11:15 Pagina 580
tw pacca en th eorth pol٫loi e
3:1 anw · hn de anoc ek twn faricai
In Papyrus Bodmer II (î66), John 2,22 ends with a dicolon. 2,23
starts in a new line intentionally, leaving a large part of the previous
line blank. Ekthesis for the first letter of 2,23 is observed. For this pa-
pyrus, however, these features can signal a variety of different degrees
of division 45. Yet, comparing 3,22; 4,1; 7,1 and 10,22, where dicolon
and ekthesis with a new line started are also used, these betray a major
break. On the other hand, the same phenomena at 1,24 and 2,11 do
not fit in the sense of a new section very well 46. At the beginning of
3,1, a middle stop is located. It apparently indicates a relatively minor
break, not a paragraph. Thus, 3,1 is connected to 2,25 immediately.
2. Summary of Findings and Implications
Summarizing my observations in these Greek codices and papyri,
the results can be tabulated as follows:
Comparative degree of break Comparative degree of break
between 2,22 and 2,23 between 2,25 and 3,1
Codex Alexandrinus, A Relatively minor Relatively major
Codex Washingtonianus, W Relatively minor Relatively major
Codex Vaticanus, B Relatively minor Relatively major
Codex Sinaiticus, a Relatively minor Relatively major
Papyrus Bodmer XV, î75 Relatively minor Relatively major
Papyrus Bodmer II, î66 Relatively major Relatively minor
Table 1: Comparison of the Sense Unit Divisions in the Selected Manuscripts
or, for colour image, FONDATION MARTIN BODMER, Évangile selon Jean
(introduction and translation by J. ZUMSTEIN) (Cologny – Genève 2008).
Porter notes that this feature in î66 can be used to indicate ancient
paragraph division, a conclusion to an episode, as well as the beginning
of a new unit, but he does not include 2,23 as one of the “stronger divi-
sions”. PORTER, “Pericope Markers ”, 167-168.
Thus, Porter claims that the marker at 1,24 indicates “a sub-unit
within a larger unit”. Ibid., 167.