«Instructions for Contributors»
Authors should send the electronic version of their contribution to filneot@elalmendro.org as well as a hard copy to the Journal’s address. Since modern Mac versions provide easy PC-conversion, manuscripts should be written preferably in PC and with Word word-processor. Exceptionally, authors might be requested to send a floppy-disk or a pdf file of their contribution.
For non-Latin characters, contributors are requested to employ preferably Unicode fonts or, in case this is not possible, the fonts referred to in the ‘font instructions’ in Biblica’s site. Exceptionally Sgreek and SPIonic may be also accepted.
In case the editors consider it necessary, authors will be sent proofs of their contributions in a pdf file by email. As it is assumed that articles submitted for publication are in their definitive form, no major changes are possible at this stage. The (normally) very few errata should be typed in Word document, indicating page, paragraph and line, and sent by email.
Articles and short notes submitted for publication in Filología Neotestamentaria are expected to conform to the following instructions:
1. LANGUAGES. Contributions will be admitted in English, French, German, Italian and Spanish.
2. LENGTH. Articles should not exceed the 12.000 words, including footnotes.
3. ABSTRACT. Contributions submitted for publication should be accompanied by an abstract, written in English, of (approx.) 100 words.
4. STYLE. Words to be printed in italics (e.g., titles of books and periodicals, transliterations, foreign words) must be typed in italics. Do not underline any word. Bold fonts should only be used, if at all, in the main title. In the footnotes names of authors should be written in normal characters (neither in capital letters nor in small caps). Please always employ these "quotation marks", independently of the language you use. Employ a single dash (-) without spaces between the words if you mean to link two words or numbers; double dash, with spaces, if you mean to separate. Employ a triple dash with spaces for an explaining clause which is not between brackets or commas. Examples: "vv. 1-4"; "Göttingen – New York"; " — as far as I know — ".
Quotations: References to Scripture should use this form: Gen 2,4-8; Jes 41,3.7.9; Rom 4,11 – 5,3. References to one or more verses of texts previously cited should be as follows: v. 1; vv. 2-4; the abbreviation v. or vv. is always to be followed by a dot and a space before the numbers. Please be as precise as possible, avoiding the use of f. ff. (or their equivalents in other languages).
Greek and Hebrew quotes must be reduced to the minimum.
In short quotations of non-biblical texts in any language, closing quotation marks must be placed before the raised arabic numeral which indicates a footnote and before any other punctuation, e.g., "... the way"1. Quotations of four or more lines — which should be normally avoided — will be printed as a separate, indented paragraph, without opening and closing quotation marks.
Verbatim quotations are expected to be accurate and should reproduce exactly the norms of the publication being quoted, even if departing from the style of this journal. Should the quotation contain an error, this may be indicated by [sic].