Antonio Piñero, «New Testament Philology Bulletin no 31-32», Vol. 16 (2003) 157-184
This section of the Journal covers articles or books related to the following fields: General Grammar. Tools. Characterisation of Biblical Greek / Textual Criticism / Stylistics / Structures / Literary Studies and Criticism / Phonetics and Accentuation / Morphology / Rhetoric / Semantics / Semiotics / Semitisms / Syntax / Translation / Vocabulary / Mixed phi-lological methods.
190 Antonio Piñero
108. BEDENBENDER, A., “‘Sein Blut komme über uns…’ Überlegungen zum
Passionstext Matthäus 27,1-26â€, Texte & Kontexte 23 (2000)
32-48. This art. presents a new translation of Mt 27:1-26 and a
literary study of the roles played by Pilate, the people, Judas and
109. CHAPMAN, D.W., “‘I Am Somebody’. Paul’s Roman Rhetoricâ€,
ProtBib 9 (2000) 23-45. The a. studies Paul’s rhetoric in Rom
from the perspectives of social science, orality and rhetoric. In
this letter Paul as orator was presenting himself as an authority
to the Roman Christian community.
110. DILLMANN, R., “Plädoyer für eine pragmalinguistische Exegeseâ€,
BibNot 102 (2000) 5-8. The a. first explains the premises of a
pragmalinguistic exegesis, and then shows how this method
focuses on the communicative competence of the biblical author,
on the supposed reader and on biblical texts as fictional narra-
tive. The basis for his approach is the syntactical and semantic
111. GRAMAGLIA, A., “Analisi linguistica di Lc XXII, 24-27. Ministero
di presidenza ed eucaristiaâ€, ArTTor 6 (2000) 25-27. This ex-
egetical study adopts the form of a complete linguistic analysis
in order to open a hypothesis philologically based on the rela-
tion between tradition and composition of the pericope dealing
with Jesus farewell discourse at the Last Supper. Discussing H.
Schürmann’s thesis on Lc 22:24-27 as a redactional taking on a
Pre-Lukan source, the a. makes a lexical, syntactical and stylistic
analysis and concludes that this Lukan section turns to be a
strongly redactional text.
112. HOLGATE, D.A., Prodigality, Liberality and Meanness in the Parable
of the Prodigal Son: A Greco-Roman Perspective on Luke 15.11-
32 (JSNTSS 187). Sheffield (Academic) 1999, 299 pp.
113. KIEJZA, A., “Hermeneutyka Apokalipsy. Kilka przydatnych us-
cislenâ€, ColcT 69 (1999) 23-38. This art. is a survey of various
hermeneutical approaches to Rev with reference to its language,
style, symbols, imagery.
114. LAMBRECHT, J., “Paul’s Logic in Romans 3:29-30â€, JBL 119 (2000)
526-528. The a. offers a literal translation and a philological
analysis (vocabulary, syntax, line of thought) of these verses.
115. LUCK, G., “‘The Way Out’: Philological Notes on the Transfiguration
of Jesusâ€, in Ch.F. Collatz (ed.), Dissertatiunculae criticae. FS für
G.Ch. Hensen. Würzburg (Königshausen) 1998, 311-321. (Mk