Josep Rius-Camps - Jenny Read-Heimerdinger, «The Variant Readings of the Western Text of the Acts of the Apostles (XVII) (Acts 11:19–12:25).», Vol. 18 (2005) 135-166
The present section deals with the events concerning the conversion of Peter (Acts 9:31–11:18) whereby he at last comes to understand that the good news of Jesus is for Jews and Gentiles alike. Since the Greek pages of Codex Bezae are missing from 8:29 to 10:14 and the Latin ones from 8:20b to 10:4, we have noted in the Critical Apparatus the variants of other witnesses that differ from the Alexandrian text. From 10:4b (fol. 455a), the Latin text of Codex Bezae is available. The Greek text starts at 10:14b (fol. 455b).
The Variant Readings of the Western Text of the Acts of the Apostles
11:29)19; and on the other, it situates Herod clearly within the territory of
which he was king, symbolizing the land of the Jews whom he represents
in this chapter of Acts.
2-3 νε λεν δ B P45.74 ) rell | ν. 460. 462. 1838 sa mae ‖ κα ν. D d
bo.– δ ν δ B P45.74 ) A E 33. 81. 945. 1739. 1891. 2344 ‖ κα δ. D d H
L P Ψ 049. 056 M gig; Lcf.
With δ in B03, the killing of James and the arrest of Peter are treated
as separate developments that move the story on20. In D05, however, κα
groups together the two examples of Herod’s mistreatment of the Jesus-
believers in a series of clauses that prepare for the main action in v. 5.
3 πιχε Ïησι α το Ï€ το πιστο D d p* syhmg (mae); Lcf ‖ om. B
P74 ) rell; Lcf.
D05 spells out just what it was that pleased the Jews, in keeping with
the overall insistence in this chapter in the Bezan text on the oppression
of the Jesus-believers by the Jews, their own people.
α ( μ Ïαι) D A E Ψ 049. 33 M ‖ om. B P45.74vid ) H L P 056. 0244. 1. 6.
88. 330. 440. 1175. 1241. 1739 al.
With the article, D05 treats the Festival of Unleavenen Bread as a
known and familiar celebration, in keeping with the Jewish perspective
that is apparent throughout this chapter of Acts in particular. The omis-
sion of the article may suggest a lesser familiarity or, alternatively, it may
draw attention to the time that was critical for the theological interpreta-
tion Luke places on the incidents of this chapter.
4 ν κα (πι σα ) B P74 ) rell ‖ το τον D d gig; Lcf.
B03 continues the account of Peter’s arrest with a relative clause, and
κα drawing attention to Peter’s plight. With the demonstrative pronoun,
D05 switches the focus of the narrative at this point from Herod to Peter
who from now until v. 19 will be centre stage under the spotlight, so to
φυλ σσειν D lat; Lcf ‖ φυλ. α τ ν B ) rell, custodire eum d | om. P74
1311 pc.
The absence of the accusative pronoun in D05 is accounted for by the
use of the demonstrative at the head of the beginning of the sentence (see
Metzger, Commentary, 345.
S.H. Levinsohn, Textual Connections in Acts (Atlanta 1987) 86–120.