Josep Rius-Camps - Jenny Read-Heimerdinger, «The Variant Readings of the Western Text of the Acts of the Apostles (XXIV) (Acts 17:1–18:23).», Vol. 25 (2012) 119-160
In these final sequences of Part III of the Book of Acts, the second phase of Paul’s missionary journey continues through Macedonia before moving on to Greece where he spends a brief time in Athens before a more extended stay in Corinth. Despite the divine intervention in Philippi in the previous sequence, which focused attention on the evangelisation of the Gentiles, Paul fails to follow this up but reverts to his earlier practice of devoting his energy first and foremost to the Jews in the synagogues. In Athens, his wellknown attempt to speak to the Gentiles meets with little favour; it is only in Corinth, after fierce opposition from the synagogue, that Luke records more successful efforts to include the Gentiles as well as the Jews in his preaching activity.
120 Josep Rius-Camps and Jenny Read-Heimerdinger
[c] 17:2b-3 He lectures for three Sabbaths
[d] 17:4a Some Jews are persuaded
[e] 17:4b Many Gentiles and women join Paul and Silas
[e'] 17:5a Other Jews set the city in uproar
[d'] 17:5b They look for Paul and Silas in Jason’s house
[c'] 17:6-7 They drag Jason and others to the authorities
[b'] 17:8 They disturb the authorities and the crowd
[a'] 17:9 Jason and the others pay a caution
The division of the sequence into elements, and the titles assigned to
them, follow the Bezan text.
Codex Bezae D05 Codex Vaticanus B03
[a] 17:1 Having gone through Am- 17:1 Having gone through Amphi-
phipolis, they then went down to polis and through Apollonis, they
Apollonis, and from there to Thes- went to Thessalonica where there
salonica where there was a syna- was a synagogue of the Jews.
gogue of the Jews.
[b] 2a And according to his custom, 2a According to Paul’s custom, he
Paul became involved with them. became involved with them,
[c] 2b On three Sabbaths, he lectured 2b and on three Sabbaths, he lec-
to them, 3 expounding from the tured to them from the Scriptures,
Scriptures that the Christ had to 3 expounding and submitting that
suffer and to rise from the dead, the Christ had to suffer and to rise
and alongside that submitting that from the dead, and that ‘The Christ
‘This is the Christ, Jesus, the one is this man, Jesus whom I am pro-
whom I proclaim to you’. claiming to you’.
[d] 4a And some of them were per- 4a And some of them were per-
suaded. suaded
[e] 4b And, by the force of their teach- 4b and threw in their lot with Paul
ing, many of the God-fearers and and Silas, as did also a great num-
a great number of Greeks and not ber of the Greek God-fearers, to-
a few wives of the leading citizens gether with not a few of the leading
threw in their lot with Paul and women.
with Silas.
[e'] 5a However, the Jews who were 5a However, the Jews, becoming
not persuaded, having collected to- zealous, and by taking to them-
gether some wicked men from the selves from the rabble some wicked
rabble, created a disturbance in the men and gathering a crowd, they
city; started to create a disturbance in
the city;