Index by Authors
- Aletti Jean-Noël «Le statut de l’Église dans les lettres pauliniennes. Réflexions sur quelques paradoxes» Vol.83 (2002) 153-174
- Aletti Jean-Noël «Romains 4 et Genèse 17. Quelle énigme et quelle solution?» Vol.84 (2003) 305-325
- Aletti Jean-Noël «Les difficultés ecclésiologiques de la lettre aux Éphésiens. De quelques suggestions» Vol.85 (2004) 457-474
- Aletti Jean-Noël «Galates 1–2. Quelle fonction et quelle démonstration?» Vol.86 (2005) 305-323
- Aletti Jean-Noël «Jn 13 – Les problèmes de composition et leur importance» Vol.87 (2006) 263-272
- Aletti Jean-Noël «La soumission des chrétiens aux autorités en Rm 13,1-7. Validité des arguments pauliniens?» Vol.89 (2008) 457-476
- Aletti Jean-Noël «L’argumentation de Ga 3,10-14, une fois encore. Difficultés et propositions.» Vol.92 (2011) 182-203
- Aletti Jean-Noël «Analyse narrative de Mc 7,24-30. Difficultés et propositions.» Vol.93 (2012) 357-376
- Aletti Jean-Noël «Paul’s Exhortations in Gal 5,16-25. From the Apostle’s Techniques to His Theology» Vol.94 (2013) 395-414
- Aletti Jean-Noël «James 2,14-26: The Arrangement and Its Meaning» Vol.95 (2014) 88-101
- Allen David «Constructing 'Janus-Faced' Exhortations. The Use of Old Testament Narratives in Heb 13,1-8» Vol.89 (2008) 401-409
- Allen Rupert «Mark 14,51-52 and Coptic Hagiography» Vol.89 (2008) 265-268
- Anbar Moshe «La critique biblique à la lumière des Archives royales de
Mari III: 1S 12,3» Vol.79 (1998) 549-550
- Andrejevs Olegs «Reexamining Q2: Son of God Christology in Q’s Redactional Layer.» Vol.97 (2016) 62-78
- Armitage David J. «An Exploration of Conditional Clause Exegesis with Reference to Galatians 1,8-9» Vol.88 (2007) 365-392
- Armitage David J. «Rescued Already? The Significance of yntyn( in Psalm 22,22» Vol.91 (2010) 335-347
- Arterbury Andrew E. - Bellinger William H. «“Returning” to the Hospitality of the
Lord. A Reconsideration of Psalm 23,5-6» Vol.86 (2005) 387-395
- Assaël Jacqueline «Mettre en oeuvre la foi, selon l’Épître de Jacques» Vol.90 (2009) 506-529
- Assaël Jacqueline «La valeur théologique du 'oui' (2 Co 1,17)» Vol.93 (2012) 242-260
- Assis Elie «The Choice to Serve God and Assist His People: Rahab and Yael» Vol.85 (2004) 82-90
- Assis Elie «Haggai: Structure and Meaning» Vol.87 (2006) 531-541
- Aster Shawn Zelig «Israelite Embassies to Assyria in the First Half of the Eighth Century» Vol.97 (2016) 175-198
- Ausloos Hans «Exod 23,20-33 and the War of YHWH» Vol.80 (1999) 555-563
- Ausloos Hans - Kabergs Valérie «Paronomasia or Wordplay? A Babel-Like Confusion. Towards a Definition of Hebrew Wordplay» Vol.93 (2012) 1-20
- Avioz Michael «When Was the First Temple Destroyed, According to the Bible?» Vol.84 (2003) 562-565
- Ayuch Daniel «La instauración del Trono en siete septenarios. La macronarrativa y su estructura en el Apocalipsis de Juan» Vol.85 (2004) 255-263
- Azuelos Yaacov - Voltaggio Francesco Giosuè «The 'angel sent from before the Lord' in Targum Joshua 5,14» Vol.96 (2015) 161-178
- Baden Joel S. «The Continuity of the Non-Priestly Narrative from Genesis to Exodus» Vol.93 (2012) 161-186
- Balogh Csaba «'He Filled Zion with Justice and Righteousness'. The Composition of Isaiah 33» Vol.89 (2008) 477-504
- Bar Shaul «The Oak of Weeping.» Vol.91 (2010) 269-274
- Bar Shaul «What Did the Servant Give to Rebecca’s Brother and Mother?» Vol.94 (2013) 565-572
- Barbiero Gianni «Alcune osservazioni sulla conclusione del Salmo 89 (vv. 47-53)» Vol.88 (2007) 536-545
- Barbiero Gianni «'Mi risveglio e sono ancora con te' (Sal 139,18b): una proposta strutturale» Vol.94 (2013) 436-447
- Barré Michael L. «'Tarshish Has Perished': The Crux of Isaiah 23,10» Vol.85 (2004) 115-119
- Barré Michael L. «Yahweh Gears Up for Battle: Habakkuk 3,9a» Vol.87 (2006) 75-84
- Bartholomä Philipp F. «John 5,31-47 and the Teaching of Jesus in the Synoptics. A Comparative Approach.» Vol.92 (2011) 368-
- Baum Armin D. «Der mündliche Faktor: Teilanalogien zu den Minor Agreements aus der Oral Poetry-Forschung und der experimentellen Gedächtnispsychologie» Vol.85 (2004) 264-272
- Baum Armin D. «Autobiografische Wir- und Er-Stellen in den neutestamentlichen Geschichtsbüchern im Kontext der antiken Literaturgeschichte» Vol.88 (2007) 473-495
- Baum Armin D. «Biographien im alttestamentlich-rabbinischen Stil. Zur Gattung der neutestamentlichen Evangelien» Vol.94 (2013) 534-564
- Beale G.K. «Peace and Mercy Upon the Israel of God. The Old Testament Background of Galatians 6,16b» Vol.80 (1999) 204-223
- Beale G.K. «The Old Testament Background of the «Last Hour» in 1 John 2,18» Vol.92 (2011) 231-254
- Beauchamp Paul «Lecture christique de l’Ancien Testament» Vol.81 (2000) 105-115
- Beaudry Marcel - Nodet Étienne «Le Tigre et lEuphrate en Benjamin» Vol.79 (1998) 97-102
- Becker Joachim «Zur Deutung von Jes 45,11b» Vol.88 (2007) 100-109
- Arterbury Andrew E. - Bellinger William H. «“Returning” to the Hospitality of the
Lord. A Reconsideration of Psalm 23,5-6» Vol.86 (2005) 387-395
- Bénétreau Samuel «Évangile et prophétie. Un texte original (1 P 1,10-12) peut-il éclairer
un texte difficile (2 P 1,16-21)?» Vol.86 (2005) 174-191
- Bénétreau Samuel «L’espérance chrétienne selon l’épître aux Hébreux: une spécificité?» Vol.92 (2011) 97-111
- Bennema Cornelis «Spirit-Baptism in the Fourth Gospel. A Messianic Reading of John 1,33» Vol.84 (2003) 35-60
- Bennema Cornelis «The Sword of the Messiah and the Concept of Liberation in the Fourth Gospel» Vol.86 (2005) 35-58
- Berges Ulrich «Die Armen im Buch Jesaja. Ein Beitrag zur Literaturgeschichte des AT» Vol.80 (1999) 153-177
- Berges Ulrich «Die Knechte im Psalter. Ein Beitrag zu seiner Kompositionsgeschichte» Vol.81 (2000) 153-178
- Berges Ulrich «Der Zorn Gottes in der Prophetie und Poesie Israels auf dem Hintergrund altorientalischer Vorstellungen» Vol.85 (2004) 305-330
- Berges Ulrich «'Ich gebe Jerusalem einen Freudenboten'
Synchrone und diachrone Beobachtungen zu Jes 41,27» Vol.87 (2006) 319-337
- Bergsma John Sietze «The Jubilee: A Post-Exilic Priestly Attempt to Reclaim Lands?» Vol.84 (2003) 225-246
- Berner Christoph «Gab es einen vorpriesterlichen Meerwunderbericht?» Vol.95 (2014) 1-25
- Beutler Johannes «'Reich Gottes' im Johannesevangelium» Vol.96 (2015) 428-441
- Bezzel Hannes «Der Prophet als Bleilot. Exegese und Theologie in Amos 7.» Vol.95 (2014) 524-545
- Bianchini Francesco «Il nomos in Gal 5,13–6,10» Vol.94 (2013) 47-62
- Biguzzi Giancarlo «The Chaos of Rev 22,6-21 and Prophecy in Asia» Vol.83 (2002) 193-210
- Biguzzi Giancarlo «Is the Babylon of Revelation Rome or Jerusalem?» Vol.87 (2006) 371-386
- Biguzzi Giancarlo «Witnessing Two by Two in the Acts of the Apostles.» Vol.92 (2011) 1-20
- Blenkinsopp Joseph «The Baal Peor Episode Revisited (Num 25,1-18)» Vol.93 (2012) 86-97
- Blumenthal Christian «Der höchste Gott und König Ptolemaios IV. Philopator: Beobachtungen zur erzählerischen Entfaltung des Gottesbildes in 3Makk» Vol.97 (2016) 360-374
- Boda Mark J. «Freeing the Burden of Prophecy:Mas%s%a4) and the Legitimacy of Prophecy in Zech 9–14» Vol.87 (2006) 338-357
- Böhler Dieter «Jesus als Davidssohn bei Lukas und Micha» Vol.79 (1998) 532-538
- Böhler Dieter «Liebe und Freundschaft im Johannesevangelium. Zum alttestamentlichen Hintergrund von Joh 21,15-19» Vol.96 (2015) 599-608
- Bolin Thomas «Rivalry and Resignation: Girard and Qoheleth on the Divine-Human Relationship» Vol.86 (2005) 245-259
- Booij Thijs «Psalm 119,89-91» Vol.79 (1998) 539-541
- Booij Thijs «Psalm 127,2b: a Return to Martin Luther» Vol.81 (2000) 262-268
- Booij Thijs «Psalm 133: "Behold, how good and how pleasant"» Vol.83 (2002) 258-267
- Booij Thijs «Psalm 141: a Prayer for Discipline and Protection» Vol.86 (2005) 97-106
- Booij Thijs «Psalm 149,5: 'they shout with joy on their couches'» Vol.89 (2008) 104-108
- Booij Thijs «Psalm 132: Zion’s Well-Being» Vol.90 (2009) 75-83
- Booij Thijs «Psalms 120–136: Songs for a Great Festival.» Vol.91 (2010) 241-255
- Booij Thijs «A Circumstantial Clause in Psalm 99,4» Vol.94 (2013) 100-106
- Booij Thijs «Psalm 118 and Form Criticism» Vol.96 (2015) 351-374
- Bosworth David A. «The Tears of God in the Book of Jeremiah» Vol.94 (2013) 24-46
- Botta Alejandro F. «qxr in the Bible, a Re-evaluation» Vol.87 (2006) 418-420
- Brandt Pierre-Yves - Lukinovich Alessandra «L’adresse à Jésus dans les évangiles synoptiques» Vol.82 (2001) 17-50
- Braulik Georg «Deuteronomium 1–4 als Sprechakt» Vol.83 (2002) 249-257
- Brenk Frederick E. - Canali De Rossi S.J Filippo «The ‘Notorious’ Felix, Procurator of Judaea, and His Many Wives (Acts 23–24)» Vol.82 (2001) 410-417
- Bridge Edward J. «Self-Abasement as an Expression of Thanks in the Hebrew Bible» Vol.92 (2011) 255-273
- Burnight John «Does Eliphaz Really Begin 'Gently'? An Intertextual Reading of Job 4,2-11» Vol.95 (2014) 347-370
- Byron John «Slaughter, Fratricide and Sacrilege. Cain and Abel Traditions in 1 John 3» Vol.88 (2007) 526-535
- Callan Terrance «The Christology of the Second Letter of Peter» Vol.82 (2001) 253-263
- Callan Terrance «The Soteriology of the Second Letter of Peter» Vol.82 (2001) 549-559
- Callan Terrance «The Style of the Second Letter of Peter» Vol.84 (2003) 202-224
- Callan Terrance «Use of the Letter of Jude by the Second Letter of Peter» Vol.85 (2004) 42-64
- Callan Terrance «The Style of Galatians» Vol.88 (2007) 496-516
- Callan Terrance «Comparison of Humans to Animals in 2 Peter 2,10b-22» Vol.90 (2009) 101-113
- Callan Terrance «Reading the Earliest Copies of 2 Peter» Vol.93 (2012) 427-450
- Callan Terrance «Partenoi in Corinth: 1 Cor 7,25-40» Vol.97 (2016) 264-286
- Canart Paul «Note sur le manuscrit T ou 029 du Nouveau Testament» Vol.84 (2003) 274-275
- Carmichael Calum «The Sabbatical/Jubilee Cycle and the Seven-Year Famine in Egypt» Vol.80 (1999) 224-239
- Cavicchia Alessandro «A. Cavicchia: Malky-sedeq, 'unto', profeta-araldo, sacerdote e re nel giubileo escatologico (11QMelch II,2-14) 518-533» Vol.91 (2010) 518-533
- Chepey Stuart D. «Samson the ‘Holy One’: A Suggestion Regarding the Reviser’s Use of a#gioj in Judg 13,7; 16,17 LXX Vaticanus» Vol.83 (2002) 97-99
- Chisholm Robert B. Jr. «Israel’s Retreat and the Failure of Prophecy in 2 Kings 3» Vol.92 (2011) 70-80
- Choi John H. «The Doctrine of the Golden Mean in Qoh 7,15-18: A Universal Human Pursuit» Vol.83 (2002) 358-374
- Cocco Francesco «'Mors tua, vita mea'. Eleazaro e il sommo sacerdozio» Vol.94 (2013) 509-533
- Collins C. John «Noah, Deucalion, and the New Testament» Vol.93 (2012) 403-426
- Collins C. John «Colossians 1,17 'hold together': A co-opted term» Vol.95 (2014) 64-87
- Conklin Blane W. «Arslan Tash I and other Vestiges of a Particular Syrian Incantatory Thread» Vol.84 (2003) 89-101
- Cook Johann «Are the Additions in LXX Job 2,9a-e to be deemed as the Old Greek text?» Vol.91 (2010) 275-284
- Cook John Granger «1 Cor 9,5: The Women of the Apostles» Vol.89 (2008) 352-368
- Cousland J.R.C. «‘Her Flesh Was as Grass’: Vita Adam et Evae 10.1» Vol.81 (2000) 507-510
- Cousland J.R.C. «Dionysus theomachos? Echoes of the Bacchae in 3 Maccabees» Vol.82 (2001) 539-548
- Craig Kenneth M. «Bargaining in Tov (Judges 11,4-11): The Many Directions of So-called Direct Speech» Vol.79 (1998) 76-85
- Cranz Isabel «Ritual Elements in Zechariah's Vision of the Woman in the Ephah» Vol.96 (2015) 586-598
- Crowe Brandon D. «The Song of Moses and Divine Begetting in Matt 1,20» Vol.90 (2009) 47-58
- Cudworth Troy D. «The Division of Israel’s Kingdom in Chronicles: A Re-examination of the Usual Suspects.» Vol.95 (2014) 498-523
- Cunha Wilson de Angelo «A Brief Discussion of MT Isaiah 24,14-16» Vol.90 (2009) 530-544
- Brenk Frederick E. - Canali De Rossi S.J Filippo «The ‘Notorious’ Felix, Procurator of Judaea, and His Many Wives (Acts 23–24)» Vol.82 (2001) 410-417
- Labahn Antje - Ben Zvi Ehud «Observations on Women in the Genealogies of 1 Chronicles 1–9» Vol.84 (2003) 457-478