«Editorial Instructions for Contributors»
General Norms
5. The first citation of a book is to be given in accordance with the following examples:
W.R. BAKER, Personal Speech-Ethics in the Epistle of James (WUNT II/68; Tübingen
1995) 90.
L.F. HARTMAN – A.A. DI LELLA, The Book of Daniel. A New Translation with Notes and
Commentary (AB 23; Garden City, NY 1978) 212.
J.L. KUGEL, Idea of Biblical Poetry. Parallelism and its History (New Haven, CT 1981)
6. The first citation of a journal article should be given in the following way: name of the
author in CAPS & SMALL CAPS followed by a comma; then title of the article within quotation
marks followed by a coma; then name of the journal or its customary abbreviation (in italics)
followed by the volume number, the year of publication (in parentheses), the inclusive page
numbers of the entire article, and finally (when appropriate) the page number(s) of the section of
the article that is being referenced. For example:
R.G. KRATZ, “Israel als Staat und als Volk”, ZTK 97 (2000) 1-17.
J.C. VANDERKAM, “The Angel of the Presence in the Book of Jubilees”, Dead Sea
Discoveries 7 (2000) 378-393, here 390.
7. The first citation of articles published in collected works or Festschriften should be given in
the following way: name of the author in CAPS & SMALL CAPS followed by a comma; then the
title of the article within quotation marks followed by a comma; then the title of the book in
italics (with subtitle in regular print); then within parentheses the name(s) of the editor(s) in
CAPS & SMALL CAPS; then within a second set of parentheses the publication information: the
series and volume number followed by a semicolon, and the place and year of publication. After
the closing parenthesis, the inclusive page numbers of the entire article are given, and finally
(when appropriate) the page number(s) of the section of the article that is being referenced. For
H.G.M. WILLIAMSON, “Isaiah and the Holy One of Israel”, Biblical Hebrews, Biblical
Texts. Essays in Memory of Michael P. Weitzman (eds. A. RAPOPORT-ALBERT – G.
GREENBERG) (JSOTSup 333; Sheffield 2001) 33-55, here 39-40.
8. In subsequent references to a book or article already cited, authors are asked to observe the
following manner of abbreviation: last name of the author (in CAPS & SMALL CAPS), abbreviated
title, and page number(s). Examples: SOGGIN, Judges, 155-157; VANDERKAM, “The Angel of the
Presence”, 391.
9. For classical and patristic works, contributors are asked to use the following style of
reference: Homer, Il. 24:200; Eusebius, Hist. eccl. 3.2.21; 4.15.3-4.
10. Abbreviations of the titles of periodicals, series, and standard reference works should be
those found in S. SCHWERTNER, International Glossary of Abbreviations for Theology and
Related Subjects (Berlin – Boston, MA 32014).