Robert F. O'Toole, «How Does Luke Portray Jesus as Servant of YHWH», Vol. 81 (2000) 328-346
This article explains Luke's meaning of Jesus as Servant of YHWH and claims this title as part of Luke's christology. Many references to Jesus as Servant of YHWH are unique to Luke, and a few summarize Jesus' ministry. These summary passages particularly look to Jesus' saving activity, universal mission and suffering. Other Servant of YHWH passages point out that Jesus is specially chosen and pleasing to God and determined to do his will. In particular, Acts 8,32-33 summarize Jesus' passion during which Luke views Jesus as the Servant and thus humble, innocent and silent. As the Servant Jesus is also risen and active.
apparently taken over some of the thought of Mark 10,45 (Jesus coming to serve), he does not do this as regards Marks words which speak of vicarious suffering, dou=nai th_n yuxh_n au)tou= lu/tron a)nti_ pollw=n (To give his life in ransom for the many).
II. Some Servant of YHWH
Passages Describe Jesus Whole Ministry
The passages of interest here are Luke 2,29-32; 4,18-19; Acts 13,47; 26,23 (cf. Luke 2,25-35; 3,22; 4,14-44; 7,21-23; Acts 26,16-18; 28,28 [?]). In the Nunc Dimittis, Jesus is not identified as the Servant of YHWH; but a general description of his mission is provided which is based on that of the servant, who is to bring salvation, imaged as light17, also to the Gentiles (cf. Isa 42,6-7a [see also 60,1-318]:
e)gw_ ku/rioj o( qeo_j e)ka/lesa/ se e)n dikaiosu/nh| kai_ krath/sw th=j xeiro/j sou kai_ e)nisxu/sw se kai_ e!dwka/ se ei)j diaqh/khn ge/nouj ei)j fw=j e)qnw=n a)noi=xai o)fqalmou_j tuflw=n
I, the Lord God, called you in righteousness and will take you by the hand and strengthen you; I gave you as a covenant of the people for a light to the Gentiles to open the eyes of the blind.
The thought of Luke 2,30-32, that Jesus brings salvation, imaged as light, to both Jews and Gentiles, is partially repeated in Acts 13,47 Te/qeika/ se ei)j fw=j e)qnw=n tou= ei]nai/ se ei)j swthri/an e#wj e)sxa/tou th=j gh=j, (I have set you to be a light for the Gentiles, so that you may bring salvation to the ends of the earth19 where Luke explicitly cites a similar passage, Isa 49,6 and the se does not refer to either Paul or Barnabas but to Jesus whose agents they are20. Of course, the last fours