Joseph A. Fitzmyer, «The sacrifice of Isaac in Qumran literature», Vol. 83 (2002) 211-229
Gen 22,1-19 the account of Abraham’s willingness to sacrifice his son Isaac, is discussed first in its Hebrew and Old Greek form; then as it was developed in the Book of Jubilees 17,15–18,16, and especially in the form of Pseudo-Jubilees, as it is preserved in 4Q225 2 i and ii (4QPs-Juba 2 i 7-14, 2 ii 1-14), in order to ascertain how much of the development of the account can be traced to pre-Christian Palestinian Jewish tradition prior to the New Testament. Finally, building on such evidence, the article traces the development in other texts of the first Christian century and in the later targumic and rabbinic tradition about the Aqedah.
resembles that of Jubilees. Although its vocabulary and phraseology are similar to that of Jubilees, it differs clearly enough so that one cannot call it simply a copy of Jubilees; hence Pseudo-Jubilees. This fragmentary text tells of an heir to be born of Abraham, the birth of Isaac, and God’s reward of Abraham for being willing to spare this only son.
Fragment 2, columns i and ii are important for this discussion, and the text of col. i runs as follows:
] 7
Nk[ yr]x) Nb dlwyw hqdc wl b#xtw M[yh]wl)[b Mhrb)]
hm+[#]mh r# )wbyw qxsy wm# t) )rqyw M[hrb)l]
Myhwl[)] rm)yw qx#yb Mhrb) t) My+#yw Myhw[l) l)]
[r#) hk]dyxy t) qx#y t) hknb t) xq Mh[rb) l)]
My[hwbgh ]Myrhh dx) l( hlw(l yl whl(hw ht[bh) ht)]
[hyrwm r]h l( twr)bh Nm
[K]l[yw Mw]qyw hkl
[rmw) r#)] 13
t) [Mhr]b) )#yw[
]l[ ] 14
7 And [Abraham]
8 ·be[lieved] God, and righteousness was reckoned to him9. A son was born af[ter] this
9 ·[to Abraha]m, and he named him Isaac. But the prince Ma[s]temah came
10 [to G]od, and he lodged a complaint against Abraham about Isaac. [G]od said
11 [to Abra]ham, ‘Take your son Isaac, [your] only one, [whom]
12 [you lo]ve, and offer him to me as a burnt offering on one of the [hig]h mountains,
13 [which I shall point out] to you’. He aro[se and w]en[t] from the wells 10 up to Mo[unt Moriah].
14 [ ]And Ab[raham] raised
Column ii continues the text of col. i directly:
[wdxy wklyw wnb qx#y l( Myc(h t)]
Nt[y]w #) hnhw w]yn[y(]
[h#h hy)w Myc(hw #)h hnh wyb)]
Mhrb) l) qx#y rm)yw 2
[h#h t) h)ry Myhwl) wnb qx#y
]l) Mhrb) rm)yw hl(l 3
[ hpy ytw) twp]k wyb) l) qx#y rm) wl
[ xbzmh ]l( Mykwb Mydmw( #dwq yk)lm
[ hmx#]mh yk)lmw Cr)h Nm wynb t)