James Swetnam, «The Crux at Hebrews 2,9 in Its Context», Vol. 91 (2010) 103-111
The note suggests that Heb 2,9 means that Jesus died physically so that he could die in the gaze of those who believe in him and thus be freed from the fear of death (2,15). It also suggests that Heb 2,8b-9 is a subsection about Jesus as the heavenly sacrificial victim and corresponds to Heb 2,14-16 which is about Jesus the earthly sacrificial victim. Heb 2,10-12 in turn is a subsection about Jesus as heavenly high priest and corresponds to Heb 2,17-18 which is about Jesus as earthly high priest.
between 2,9 and 2,15 to suggest that the sub-sections 2,8b-12 and 2,14-18 are
parallel to each other, with 2,8b-9 (Jesus as heavenly victim) parallel to
2,14-16 (Jesus as earthly victim) and 2,10-12 (Jesus as heavenly high priest)
parallel to 2,17-18 (Jesus as earthly high priest). Such a structure sets up
multiple perspectives, some of which are explored in the comments
accompanying the presentation of the suggestion. If the structure has validity
it could mark a step forward in a New Testament understanding of Jesus
Christ as high priest.
Pontificio Istituto Biblico James SWETNAM
Via della Pilotta, 25
I-00187 Roma
The note suggests that Heb 2,9 means that Jesus died physically so that he could die in
the gaze of those who believe in him and thus be freed from the fear of death (2,15). It
also suggests that Heb 2,8b-9 is a subsection about Jesus as the heavenly sacrificial
victim and corresponds to Heb 2,14-16 which is about Jesus the earthly sacrificial
victim. Heb 2,10-12 in turn is a subsection about Jesus as heavenly high priest and
corresponds to Heb 2,17-18 which is about Jesus as earthly high priest.