James Swetnam, «The Meaning of toi/j a)kou/sasin at Hebrews 4,2», Vol. 93 (2012) 601-608
The words toi/j a)kou/sasin in Heb 4,2 are frequently taken as referring either to the Israelites of the desert generation who, in contrast to the majority, did believe in God’s care, or to the Christians who, in contrast to the desert generation, do believe. After indicating why each interpretation is unsatisfactory, the note argues from the wording of the entire verse in the context of the epistle as a whole that the words refer to the Christians who heard the words of the Lord as he instituted the Eucharist. He is the one who, through the linkage of faith, makes entrance into God’s rest possible.
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phrase kai. ga,r evsmen euvhggelisme,noi kaqa,per kavkei/noi matches the words
toij avkou,sasin: both parts of the verse involve contact with the Eucharist
and, through the Eucharist, with the living Christ.
Just how the Eucharist and the living Christ make possible de iure cer-
titude is beyond the scope of this note to elucidate, but an important ele-
ment in the explanation is the understanding of the oi=koj in Heb 3,1-6 and
its relation to the Eucharist and Jesus’ superiority as Son over Moses 27,
with particular emphasis on 3,6.
* *
The reflections above are an attempt to come to terms with the, at first
sight, innocuous words toi/j avkou,sasin of Heb 4,2. The conclusion
reached was that the words refer to the group of Christians who heard
with faith the words of the Lord as he instituted the Eucharist. The argu-
mentation relied heavily on the present writer’s attempts to solve other
cruces in the epistle. All were affected to a greater or less extent by the
present writer’s conviction that the Eucharist plays a major role in the
epistle, based on his use of the Jewish ceremony of the tôdâ, which seems
a key element for understanding Hebrews 13. Given the fact that the ma-
jority of commentators on Hebrews think that the Eucharist is of little or
no relevance for understanding the epistle, the argumentation has the air
of being convoluted and arcane. But if it is not taken as the least implau-
sible explanation offered, the crux posed by toi/j avkou,sasin remains.
Jesuit Hall James SWETNAM
3601 Lindell Boulevard
St. Louis, MO 63108, U.S.A.
The words toi/j avkou,sasin in Heb 4,2 are frequently taken as referring
either to the Israelites of the desert generation who, in contrast to the ma-
jority, did believe in God’s care, or to the Christians who, in contrast to the
desert generation, do believe. After indicating why each interpretation is
unsatisfactory, the note argues from the wording of the entire verse in the
context of the epistle as a whole that the words refer to the Christians who
heard the words of the Lord as he instituted the Eucharist. He is the one
who, through the linkage of faith, makes entrance into God’s rest possible.
Cf. J. Swetnam, “Tw/n lalhqhsome,nwn in Hebrews 3,5â€, 95-96; ID., “o`
avpo,stoloj in Hebrews 3,1â€, Bib 89 (2008) 252-262
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