Markus Lau, «Die Legio X Fretensis und der Besessene von Gerasa. Anmerkungen zur Zahlenangabe “ungefähr Zweitausend” (Mk 5,13)», Vol. 88 (2007) 351-364
The military background of Mk 5,1-20 points to the Legio X Fretensis, which has been active in the Jewish War and whose ensign, a boar, matches the swines mentioned in Mk 5,1-20. However, the figure 2000, which is mentioned to give the size of the herd, does not correspond to this context. Roman legions consisted of about 5000-6000 soldiers. This contradiction can only be resolved, when the history of the Legio X is taken into consideration. In 66 AD a vexiliation of this Legio X, consisting of 2000 soldiers, was involved in fights with Jewish insurgents (Jos., Bell. 2,499-506). These details go well with the allusions in Mk 5,1-20 to the Legio X and can explain the figure 2000. From this perspective, Mark’s Jesus is portrayed as a powerful warlord and liberator rather than an occupator.
364 Markus Lau
Wirken im Jüdischen Krieg, zu lesen, lässt den Text insofern als eine
Gegenbotschaft zur römischen Herrschaft erscheinen, die sich allein
auf die imperiale Besatzungskraft römischer Legionen stützt (55).
Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Markus LAU
Katholisch-Theologische Fakultät
Johannisstr. 8-10
D-48143 Münster
The military background of Mk 5,1-20 points to the Legio X Fretensis, which has
been active in the Jewish War and whose ensign, a boar, matches the swines
mentioned in Mk 5,1-20. However, the figure 2000, which is mentioned to give
the size of the herd, does not correspond to this context. Roman legions consisted
of about 5000-6000 soldiers. This contradiction can only be resolved, when the
history of the Legio X is taken into consideration. In 66 AD a vexiliation of this
Legio X, consisting of 2000 soldiers, was involved in fights with Jewish
insurgents (Jos., Bell. 2,499-506). These details go well with the allusions in Mk
5,1-20 to the Legio X and can explain the figure 2000. From this perspective,
Mark’s Jesus is portrayed as a powerful warlord and liberator rather than an
(55) Kurz nach Abschluss des Manuskripts erschien ein neuer Beitrag zu Mk
5,1-20, der die Gerasenergeschichte ebenfalls vor dem Hintergrund der Legio X
liest, aber nicht speziell der Zahlenangabe 2000 nachspürt: M. KLINGHARDT,
“Legionsschweine in Gerasa. Lokalkolorit und historischer Hintergrund von Mk
5,1–20â€, ZNW 98 (2007) 28-48.