G.K. Beale, «The Old Testament Background of the «Last Hour» in 1 John 2,18», Vol. 92 (2011) 231-254
This article argues that the «last hour» in 1 John 2,18 is best understood against the Old Testament background of Daniel 8,12. In particular, the only eschatological uses of «hour» (w#ra) in all of the Greek Old Testament occur in the «Old Greek» of Dan 8,17.19; 11,35.40; 12,1. There the «hour» (w#ra) refers to the specific eschatological time when the opponent of God’s people will attempt to deceive them. John sees Daniel’s prophecy as beginning to be fulfilled in the deceptive work of the Antichrist(s) who has come among the churches to which he is writing.
242 G.K. BEALE
readers are said to be those participating in the fulfillment of Israel’s
new covenant prophecy of Jer 38,34 LXX (= Jer 31,34 MT).
This inaugurated fulfillment of Daniel is also apparent from the
phrase “antichrist is coming and even now many antichrists have
come â€. John then says at the conclusion of 2,18 that on the basis of
this (ouen), “we know that it is the last hourâ€. He says that, according
to prophetic expectation, “antichrist is coming†but the abrupt phrase
“ even now many antichrists have come†most probably indicates that
this prophetic expectation has begun to be realized.
The almost identical “already and not yet†expressions em-
ploying “hour†(wra) in John’s gospel support this conclusion of
inaugurated fulfillment. Particularly supportive is John 5,25-29
(“ an hour is coming and now isâ€), which also alludes to Dan
12,1-2 (LXX), including the OG of Daniel’s use of wra. ™
Corresponding to Daniel’s use of “hour,†resurrection “to
eternal life,†and resurrection of the wicked and righteous is John’s
reference to gaining “eternal life†(5,24), “hour†(5,25, 28), “resur-
rection of life†(5,29), and the mention of resurrection for both un-
believers and believers (5,28-29). John 5,28-29 asserts that the yet
future physical resurrection will still assuredly occur, just as Daniel
prophesied. But Jesus also understands that the Daniel 12 prophecy
has already begun its fulfillment. The most telltale sign of this is
Jesus’ reference in v. 25 to “hour†together with “the already and
not yet†formula “is coming and now isâ€. Daniel’s “hour†(wra) ofâ„¢
resurrection and prophecy of “eternal life†are not merely to find
fulfillment at the very end of world history (John 5,28) but have
begun in the midst of Christ’s ministry (John 5,25). Daniel 12,1-2
refers to the hour of tribulation followed by resurrection. John
5,25-29 focuses on Daniel’s prophecy of resurrection and sees that
it occurs still within the time scope of the “hour†mentioned in
Dan 12,1. However, the fulfillment of Daniel’s resurrection prophe-
cy in the John 5 text has occurred in a staggered manner: first spiri-
tually and later physically at the final day. In partial confirmation of
this, G. Ferraro has argued that there are several allusions to Daniel
7 and 11,35–12,4 in John 5,22-29, which include a reference back to
Daniel’s eschatological use of “hour†(in Dan 11,35.40.45; 12,1) in
Jesus’ mention of “hour†in John 5,25 and 5,28 21.
G. FERRARO, L’‘Ora’ di Cristo nel Quarto Vangelo (Aloisiana 10;