Thijs Booij, «A Circumstantial Clause in Psalm 99,4», Vol. 94 (2013) 100-106
In Psalm 99,4 the first stich is a circumstantial clause expressing causality relative to the clause following it. Verse 4 means to say that YHWH's royal power is exercised in establishing justice, as is shown by his acts in Israel. A syntax identical with that of the first line in Ps 99,4 can be found in Gen 50,20; Ezek 2,4a; Hab 1,10; Ps 40,18a.
A Circumstantial Clause in Psalm 99,4
In Psalm 99 the interpretation of v. 4 is a persistent problem. Some try
to solve it by textual emendation 1. In my view, the Masoretic Text does
make sense.
1. Explanations of MT offered so far
The main problem in the Masoretic Text is the relation between the
first stich (v. 4a) and its context. A related problem is the function of the
introductory w.
Some connect v. 4a with v. 3, taking $lm z[ as an object of wdwy. With
this interpretation awh vwdq may be regarded as an interjection, and jpvm
bha as a relative clause defining $lm:
Mögen sie preisen deinen Namen gross und furchtbar;
er ist heilig!
Und die Macht des Königs, der das Recht liebt 2!
Or v. 4a is assumed to state a reason:
Qu’ils louent ‘son’ nom, grand et redoutable, Il est saint.
Car la puissance du Roi aime le droit 3.
vwdq are considered part of a quotation:
Or the words awh
Deinen Namen sollen sie bekennen:
“Groß und furchtbar, heilig ist er!â€
und die Macht des Königs,
der das Recht liebt 4.
See J.J. EATON, “Proposals in Psalms XCIX and CXIX†VT 18 (1968)
555-557; R. SCORALICK, Trishagion und Gottesherrschaft. Psalm 99 als
Neuinterpretation von Tora und Propheten (SBS 138; Stuttgart 1989) 61-63.
F. BAETHGEN, Die Psalmen. Übersetzt und erklärt (HK II/2; Göttingen
1904) 300. Thus also the Targum and e.g. J. SCHILLER, “Bemerkungen zur
Analyse und Interpretation von Psalm 99â€, BN 91 (1998) 80.
E. PODECHARD, Le Psautier. Traduction littérale, explication historique
et notes critiques (Lyon 1949-1954) II, 164, reading wmv instead of $mv (v. 3).
M. BUBER, Die Schriftwerke. Verdeutscht (Heidelberg 41976) 146.
BIBLICA 94.1 (2013) 100-106
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