Peter Dubovský, «Why Did the Northern Kingdom Fall According to 2 Kings 15?», Vol. 95 (2014) 321-346
By applying various exegetical methodologies to 2 Kings 15, I have tried to identify the dynamics responsible for the fall of the Northern Kingdom, such as its instability, financial problems, tribal tensions, wrong international policy, etc. By analyzing some Assyrian documents it was shown that these dynamics were often in play during Assyrian invasions.
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the events encoded in the rhetoric of redactors and final editors. 2
Kings 15 is a good example of how an apparently monotonous de-
scription of events, in particular, revolts, invasions, and rebellions,
could point to some dynamics that can easily escape the reader’s
attention. Even though 2 Kings 15 is the result of multiple redactors
and editors, its final composition points to a well conceived struc-
ture that goes beyond a mere description of political events. By ex-
amining 2 Kings 15 I have pointed out structural and rhetorical
elements that could lead us to a new reconstruction of the fall of
the Northern Kingdom. In particular, by analyzing various narrative
and rhetorical devices I have suggested that the fall of the Northern
Kingdom was due to the combination of multiple external and in-
ternal factors. This conclusion achieved from the rhetoric of the
biblical texts corroborates several studies on the mechanics of the
Neo-Assyrian expansion and control. These studies show that As-
syrian military campaigns on their own were often insufficient to
subdue hostile kingdoms and had to be supported by other military
and non-military tools such as fomenting instability in the region,
financial pressure, covert actions, raids, etc. Combining these two
types of studies we can conclude that the fall of the Northern King-
dom was caused by multiple factors listed in section VII.
Pontifical Biblical Institute Peter DUBOVSKÝ
Via della Pilotta, 25
I–00187 Rome
By applying various exegetical methodologies to 2 Kings 15, I have
tried to identify the dynamics responsible for the fall of the Northern
Kingdom, such as its instability, financial problems, tribal tensions, wrong
international policy, etc. By analyzing some Assyrian documents it was
shown that these dynamics were often in play during Assyrian invasions.