Eve-Marie Becker, «Mk 1:1 and the Debate on a 'Markan Prologue'», Vol. 22 (2009) 91-106
On the basis of observations to the syntactical structure and the literary style of Mk 1:1-15 as well as to the literary genre of the Markan Gospel, this paper questions those concepts of subdividing Mk 1 according to which Mk 1:1-13/15 is classified as a 'Markan prologue'. It is argued instead, that already Mk 1:4 opens up the Gospel narration and that only Mk 1:1-3 has to be regarded as a literary unity: Mk 1:1-3, however, is in no case part of a 'Markan prologue' or a 'prologue' in itself. These verses are rather more to be understood as a prooemium to the overall prose-text of the Gospel narrative, consisting of a 'Buchüberschrift'/title (1:1) and an opening introductory close (1:2-3).
102 Eve-Marie Becker
of pre-Markan traditions about John the Baptist (cf. also e.g. Mk 1:4ff.).
The creation of the mixed-quotation (1:2b and 1:3) on the one hand, and
the connection of 1:2b, 3 with the opening clause in 1:2a on the other
hand, might be redactional67. Thus, the Gospel writer Mark becomes as
a literary author very much visible behind Mk 1:1-3, while in 1:4ff., he
obviously follows the lines of pre-Markan narrative traditions68. Never-
theless, we should avoid classifying e.g. Mk 1:1-3 as a ”Prolog im Prolog“69
here because of the above mentioned difficulties in applying terminology,
which derives from tragedy and epic, to a prose text. Besides, the question
remains, if Mk 1:1 stands for itself, or if it is connected to 1:1-3, or if it
should even be related to 1:1-13/15.
(c) Classification – The literary function of Mk 1:1
How could we proceed from here? Several observations can be made:
(1) Mk 1:1 is polyvalent and therefore – in a certain sense – does stand
by itself.
(2) As an elliptic sentence, however, Mk 1:1 has to be completed, at
least if we refuse to take it as a post-Markan, i.e. a secondarily included
‘manuscript marker’70. It has to be related to Mk 1:2-371.
(3) Mk 1:1-3 has to be subdivided from Mk 1:4ff.: In 1:4 the actual
Markan narrative of the ‘history of events’ obviously starts.
(4) There is no further division visible within the Gospel narration
– neither after Mk 1:13, nor after 1:15.
How can we then relate Mk 1:1 to its micro- and macro-context in Mk
1? Scholars have presented at least three ideas. According to these, Mk
1:1 could function in different ways:
a) as an inscriptio (‘Buchüberschrift’)72 and/or title or initiium/incipit
for the whole Gospel narrative73;
b) as a title for Mk 1:1-13/1574;
Cf. Becker, Markus-Evangelium, 245.
Cf. E.-M. Becker, “‚Kamelhaare... und wilder Honig’. Der historische Wert und die
theologische Bedeutung der biographischen Täufer-Notiz“, R. Gebauer/M. Meiser (Hg.), Die
bleibende Gegenwart des Evangeliums, FS O. Merk (MThSt 76; Marburg 2003) 13-28.
Feneberg, Markusprolog, 195.
Cf. again Clayton Croy, “Where the Gospel Text Begins”, 119-125. – Clayton Croy
bases his ideas on the judgment: “the beginning of Mark’s Gospel is defective” (119). My
aim, however, is to interpret the Markan beginning as an intended literary opening.
Cf. also Meyer, Kommentar, 12f.
Cf. LXX-traditions such as e.g: Tob 1:1; Prov 1:1; Eccl 1:1.
C. E. Lohmeyer, Das Evangelium des Markus (KEK 1/2; Göttingen15 1959) 10: Mk 1:1
is “Überschrift und Vorrede zugleich… Die Überschrift bezieht sich… nicht auf das Buch eines
Evangelisten, sondern auf das Geschehen des Evangeliums“. Cf. also G. Arnold, “Mk 1 1 und
Eröffnungswendungen in griechischen und lateinischen Schriften“, ZNW 68 (1977) 123-127.
Cf. e.g. Lührmann, Markusevangelium, 33.