Josep Rius-Camps - Jenny Read-Heimerdinger, «The Variant Readings of the Western Text of the Acts of the Apostles (XVI) (Acts 9:31–11:18).», Vol. 17 (2004) 45-88
The present section deals with the events concerning the conversion of Peter (Acts 9:31–11:18) whereby he at last comes to understand that the good news of Jesus is for Jews and Gentiles alike. Since the Greek pages of Codex Bezae are missing from 8:29 to 10:14 and the Latin ones from 8:20b to 10:4, we have noted in the Critical Apparatus the variants of other witnesses that differ from the Alexandrian text. From 10:4b (fol. 455a), the Latin text of Codex Bezae is available. The Greek text starts at 10:14b (fol. 455b).
56 Josep Rius-Camps and Jenny Read-Heimerdinger
[γ] 38b He went about doing good 38b who went about doing good and
and healing all those who had been healing all those who were being
oppressed by the devil because God oppressed by the devil because God
was with him 39a – and we are his was with him 39a – and we are
witnesses, of what he did in both the witnesses of everything he did both
country of the Jews and Jerusalem. in the country of the Jews and in
[δ] 39b The one they killed by hanging 39b The one they killed by hanging
him on a tree 40 God raised after him on a tree 40 God raised on the
the third day 40b – and granted third day 40b – and granted that
him to become visible 41 not to all he should become visible 41 not to
the people but to the witnesses who all the people but to the witnesses
had previously been appointed by who had previously been appointed
God, we who ate and drank with by God, we who ate and drank with
him and kept company with him him after he rose from the dead.
after he rose from the dead, for
forty days.
[ε] 42 And he charged us to preach to 42 And he commanded us to
the people and to affirm that he is preach to the people and to affirm
the one who has been designated that he is the one who has been
by God as judge of the living designated by God as judge of the
and the dead 43 – to this man all living and the dead 43 – to this
the prophets bear witness, that man all the prophets bear witness,
everyone believing in him will that everyone believing in him will
receive forgiveness of sins through receive forgiveness of sins through
his name…’ his name…’
[f′] 44 While Peter was still speaking 44 While Peter was still speaking
these words, the Holy Spirit fell on these words, the Holy Spirit fell
all those listening to the message. upon all those listening to the
[e′] 45 And the faithful from the 45 And the faithful from the
circumcision party who had come circumcision party who had come
with Peter were totally amazed that with Peter were totally amazed that
the gift of the Holy Spirit had also the gift of the Holy Spirit had also
been poured out on the Gentiles, been poured out on the Gentiles,
46a for they heard them speaking 46a for they heard them speaking
in new tongues and praising God. in tongues and praising God.
[d′] 46b Peter said, 47 ‘Surely no-one 46b Then Peter said in response,
can forbid water to prevent them 47 ‘Surely no-one can forbid water
from being baptized, these people to prevent these people from being
who have received the Holy Spirit in baptized, these who have received
the same way as we did ourselves?’ the Holy Spirit just as we did
[c′] 48a So he commanded that they 48a And he commanded that in the
should be baptized in the name of name of Jesus Christ they should be
the Lord Jesus Christ. baptized.
[b′] 48b Then they begged him to 48b Then they asked him to stay on
remain with them for a few days. for a few days.