Josep Rius-Camps - Jenny Read-Heimerdinger, «The Variant Readings of the Western Text of the Acts of the Apostles (XXIV) (Acts 17:1–18:23).», Vol. 25 (2012) 119-160
In these final sequences of Part III of the Book of Acts, the second phase of Paul’s missionary journey continues through Macedonia before moving on to Greece where he spends a brief time in Athens before a more extended stay in Corinth. Despite the divine intervention in Philippi in the previous sequence, which focused attention on the evangelisation of the Gentiles, Paul fails to follow this up but reverts to his earlier practice of devoting his energy first and foremost to the Jews in the synagogues. In Athens, his wellknown attempt to speak to the Gentiles meets with little favour; it is only in Corinth, after fierce opposition from the synagogue, that Luke records more successful efforts to include the Gentiles as well as the Jews in his preaching activity.
The Variant Readings of the Western Text of the Acts of the Apostles 157
[B'-A']. The first part of the new sequence builds up to Paul’s lecturing
in the synagogue of Ephesus, which had been a main topic throughout
all of this part of Acts (seen as early as 13.5). The second part unfolds
from a corresponding promise to return to the Jews at a later date, which
leads on to a rapid succession of visits, eventually bringing Paul back to
the doorstep of Asia once more. The close of this sequence thus creates
anticipation as to the next stage of the narrative:
[a] 18:18 Paul’s departure to Syria
[b] 18:19a Paul leaves Priscilla and Aquila in Ephesus
[c] 18:19b He lectures in the synagogue
[c'] 18:20-21 He promises to return
[b'] 18:22 His visits to Caesarea, Jerusalem and Antioch
[a'] 18:23 His visit to Galatia and Phrygia
Codex Bezae D05 Codex Vaticanus B03
[a] 18:18 Paul, after staying on for a 18:18 Paul, after staying on for a
considerable number of days more, considerable number of days more,
bade farewell to the brethren and bade farewell to the brethren and
set sail for Syria, and with him was intending to sail off to Syria,
Priscilla and Aquila, after cutting and with him Priscilla and Aquila,
his hair in Cenchrea (for it had a after cutting in Cenchrea his hair
synagogue). (for he had a vow).
[b] 19a Having gone down to Ephesus, 19a They went down to Ephesus
on the very next Sabbath, he left and he left them there.
them there.
[c] 19b He, for his part, entered the 19b He, for his part, entered the
synagogue and began lecturing to synagogue and lectured to the Jews.
the Jews.
[c'] 20 When they asked him to stay 20 When they asked him to stay for
with them for longer, he did not longer, he did not accept 21 but af-
accept 21 but after bidding them ter bidding them farewell and say-
farewell and saying, ‘I must at all ing, ‘I will come back to you again,
costs celebrate the coming feast God willing’, he set sail from Ephe-
day in Hierosoluma; I will return sus.
to you when God wills’, he set sail
from Ephesus.
[b'] 22 After travelling down to Caesar- 22 After travelling down to Cae-
ea, and going up and greeting the sarea, going up and greeting the
church, he came down to Antioch. church, he came down to Antioch.
[a'] 23 Having spent some time there, 23 Having spent some time there,
he went away, travelling through he went away, travelling through
place after place in the territory of place after place in the territory of
Galatia and Phrygia and strength- Galatia and Phrygia, strengthening
ening all the disciples. all the disciples.