Marius Reiser, «Numismatik und Neues Testament», Vol. 81 (2000) 457-488
The first part gives some basic information on Greek and Roman coinage and the significance of numismatics for historical studies. The second part draws an outline of Jewish autonomous coinage, mainly in hasmonean times, and the rebell-coinage of the two revolts AD 66-70 and 132-135. The third part deals with the coinage of the Herodians and the Roman procurators including a section on the Tyrian coinage, which was the only one accepted by the temple of Jerusalem. All the coins mentioned in the NT are reviewed with an eye to the denominational system, to which they belong: Roman or Greek? The last part is devoted to prices, wages, and sums of money as found in the NT. The items are compared to the data in other sources. It ist argued that numismatics should become an integral part of biblical introduction.
(1./2. Jh. n. Chr.)
Denar |
As |
Tageslohn des ungelernten Arbeiters103 | 1 | 16 |
Tageslohn des Schreibers (QohR 2,18) | 2 | 32 |
1 Pfundlaib Brot | 1 | |
1 Sea (= 13,1 l) Weizen (m.Pea 8,7 u.ö.) | 1 | 16 |
1 Tunika (m.Meil 6,4; b.BM 86b) | 4-12 | 64-192 |
Einkleidung eines Sklaven (m.Ar 6,5) | 30 | |
1 Schaf (m.Ker 5,2; m.Men 13,8) | 8 | |
1 Lamm (m.Men 13,8) | 4 | |
1 Rind (m.Men 13,8; m.BQ 3,9) | 100-200 | |
1 Esel (m.BQ 10,4) | 100-200 |
(1. Jh. v. 1. Jh. n. Chr.)
Denar |
As |
Tageslohn des ungelernten Arbeiters (Cicero,Q.Rosc. 28) | 12 | |
Tagessold des Legionärs (Tacitus, Ann. 1,17)104 | 10 | |
1 Pfundlaib Brot | 1 | |
1/2 l Wein (je nach Qualität) | 1-4 | |
13,1 l Weizen105 | 15 | |
1 Tunika | 60 | |
1 Maultier | 130 | 2 080 |
Ein Denar pro Tag für den ungelernten Arbeiter ist, wie der Vergleich zeigt, ein ausgesprochen guter Lohn106. Nach dem Tod des