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  • Vol 84 (2003)

    Labahn Antje - Ben Zvi Ehud, «Observations on Women in the Genealogies of 1 Chronicles 1–9» Vol.84 (2003) 457-478

    These observations address the construction of women and their roles in the genealogies of 1 Chronicles 1–9. References to women in these chapters construed them as fulfilling a variety of roles in society, and characterized and identified them in various ways. To be sure, the genealogies reflected and reinforced the main construction of family and family roles in a traditional ancient near eastern society. But, numerous references in these genealogies indicated to the early (and predominantly male) readers of the book that ideologically construed gender expectations may and have been transgressed in the past and with good results. By implication, these references suggested to the readers that gender (and ethnic) boundaries can and even should be transgressed on occasion, with divine blessing, and resulting in divine blessing.

    Muller Christoph G., «Der Zeuge und das Licht. Joh 1,1–4,3 und das Darstellungsprinzip dersu/gkrisij» Vol.84 (2003) 479-509

    The ancient principle of presentation, syncrisis, repeatedly used in research for the interpretation of Luke 1–2, is applied here. In this article the author first presents the most important aspects of syncrisis and then moves to the question whether or not one can present a valid study, with the use of syncrisis, for the interpretation of the ‘John the Baptist texts’ in John’s Gospel (1,6-8.15; 1,19-34; 1,35-42; 3,22-36; 4,1-3; 5,33-35; 10,40-42) and for the relationship of John and Jesus. We arrive at a positive result; the repeated signals ‘towards’, ‘under’, etc. are recognizably indicators of ordered relationships. The comparison that comes to light serves together with the visible differences in the profiling of each of them — precisely in their opposition to each other. Thus, syncrisis is revealed as a rich literary means to show continuity and discontinuity. Evaluation and relativisation, integration and subordination to the figure of Jesus determine the presentation of the Baptist in John’s Gospel. The appropriate ordering of his person to Jesus is shown also in the area of metaphorical speech, when John is presented as "the friend of the bridegroom" (John 3,29).

    Romanello Stefano, «Rom 7,7-25 and the Impotence of the Law. A Fresh Look at a Much-Debated Topic Using Literary-Rhetorical Analysis» Vol.84 (2003) 510-530

    By means of a literary-rhetorical analysis, it can be stated that Rom 7,7-25 forms a literary unit, depending upon the propositio of Rom 7,7a. In fact, the question on the possible equalization between Mosaic Law and sin raises a new discussion, carried out precisely in Rom 7,7-25. The climax of the pericope appears to be the powerless character of the Law with respect to sin, depicted through two different examples. In the first one, in vv. 7-13, it is not stated that through the Law sin become known by the "I", but that through the Law sin gains force and becomes ineluctably effective. In the second one, in vv. 14-25, sin is an active subject quite apart from Law, that remains nevertheless ineffective in counteracting it. In any case, these two different depictions point both to the ineffectiveness of the Law. The affirmations on the positive nature of the Law are incorporated in this pericope in order to be diminished –even if not denied. This rhetorical strategy can be called concessio. In Rom 8,1-17 the believer’s life is depicted in different terms from the life of the "I" of Rom 7,7-25. This comparison leads to the recognition of the new basis on which our relation with God becomes possible. In the meantime, it clarifies that the Law cannot promote this new identity in believers. For this reason, emphasis on the incapacity of the Law must not be considered as an act of contempt for it. Instead, it clarifies the objective reasons why the Law cannot be regarded as a soteriological principle.

    Grindheim Sigurd, «What the OT Prophets Did Not Know: The Mystery of the Church in Eph 3,2-13» Vol.84 (2003) 531-553

    The purpose of this essay is two-fold. First, it argues that the inclusion of the Gentiles is referred to as a previously unrevealed mystery because it is based upon the abrogation of the Mosaic law and entails a degree of nearness to the Lord that exceeds the expectations of the old covenant. Second, it addresses the question of authorship. Assuming Pauline authorship as a working hypothesis, it shows that the use of the concept of mystery in Eph 3 is intimately linked with Paul’s terminology and thought world attested in the undisputed letters. It is unwarranted, therefore, to find proof of a post-Pauline development in the use of the term "mystery" in Ephesians.

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    Avioz Michael, «When Was the First Temple Destroyed, According to the Bible?» Vol.84 (2003) 562-565

    This article deals with the contradiction between 2 Kgs 25 and Jer 52 regarding the date on which the First Temple was destroyed. Comparing the descriptions of the destruction in Kings and in Jeremiah shows that the two descriptions were borrowed from a common third source. In our view, this common third source is better preserved in Jeremiah 52 than in 2 Kings 25. We therefore deduce that Jeremiah 52 preserves the more exact date of the Temple’s destruction: the tenth of Ab. This claim is based on the fact that the description of the destruction in Kings is in any case truncated, and is therefore likely that it contains the textual corruptions as opposed to Jeremiah.