Gudrun Holtz, «Zur christologischen Relevanz des Furchtmotivs im Lukasevangelium», Vol. 90 (2009) 484-505
The theme of fear is to be found in the gospel of Luke not only in connection with the central revelations of glory — in the account of the birth and transfiguration as well as in the chapter on the resurrection — but also in several miracle stories. In the light of Luke 9,43 Jesus’ mighty deeds, which give rise to fear in those present, appear as the visible aspect of his heavenly glory. This understanding of revelation echoes the revelation theology of the Book of Exodus which interprets the signs and wonders which Israel experiences in the context of the departure from Egypt as the soteriological aspect of God’s glory revealed on Sinai. Jesus as the Holy One of God, who, like the God of Exodus, arouses revelation fear, is to be understood against this background.
Zur christologischen Relevanz des Furchtmotivs 505
der sich den Menschen verkündigend, heilend und vergebend
zuwendet. So sehr er für Lk dieser Retter ist, so sehr ist er es als der
Heilige Gottes, dessen Macht und Herrlichkeit Furcht erregt.
Lukanische Christologie löst sich nicht in Soteriologie auf. Sofern
sie Hoheitschristologie ist, ist sie es nicht zuletzt als Christologie der
Doxa, die ihre spezifischen Konturen dem Verständnis der Doxa
Gottes in Ex verdankt.
Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen Gudrun HOLTZ
Klosterhof 8
D-73770 Denkendorf, Germany
The theme of fear is to be found in the gospel of Luke not only in connection with
the central revelations of glory — in the account of the birth and transfiguration as
well as in the chapter on the resurrection — but also in several miracle stories. In
the light of Luke 9,43 Jesus’ mighty deeds, which give rise to fear in those present,
appear as the visible aspect of his heavenly glory. This understanding of revelation
echoes the revelation theology of the Book of Exodus which interprets the signs
and wonders which Israel experiences in the context of the departure from Egypt
as the soteriological aspect of God’s glory revealed on Sinai. Jesus as the Holy
One of God, who, like the God of Exodus, arouses revelation fear, is to be
understood against this background.