Jan-Dirk Döhling, «Gott und die Gier. Altorientalisch-alttestamentliche Erkundungen eines aktuellen Begriffs.», Vol. 94 (2013) 161-185
The greed motif is found in biblical and in ANE texts. The Baal Cycle characterizes Mot, the god of death and drought, as a destroyer of life. With in Ugarit’s polytheistic system, Mot is nonetheless essential for agricultural growth. Mot’s greed is, thus, a terrible, yet inevitable, factor. The analysis of (lb (to devour, swallow) in the Hebrew Bible reveals a significant alteration. In the Old Testament, “greed” is a negative human attitude in socio-economic conflicts. In opposing greed the God of Israel addresses those who practice it and those who suffer from it as human beings.
So sicher Israel Jhwh auf Seiten der Opfer weiß und ihn mensch-
licher Gier entgegenstellt, so gewiss entmythologisiert es ihre Hy-
postasierung zur weltbildlich-autonomen Größe. Noch und gerade
die Kritik behaftet die Gierigen bei ihrer Humanität ― und bei der
ihrer Opfer.
Universtitätsstr. 150 Jan-Dirk DÖHLING
D – 44801 Bochum
The greed motif is found in biblical and in ANE texts. The Baal Cycle
characterizes Mot, the god of death and drought, as a destroyer of life.
Within Ugarit’s polytheistic system, Mot is nonetheless essential for agri-
cultural growth. Mot’s greed is, thus, a terrible, yet inevitable, factor. The
analysis of [lb (to devour, swallow) in the Hebrew Bible reveals a signi-
ficant alteration. In the Old Testament, “greed†is a negative human attitude
in socio-economic conflicts. In opposing greed the God of Israel addresses
those who practice it and those who suffer from it as human beings.
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