Josep Rius-Camps - Jenny Read-Heimerdinger, «The Variant Readings of the Western Text of the Acts of the Apostles (XXIII) (Acts 16:1–40)», Vol. 24 (2011) 135-164
In Acts 16, Paul sets out again on his missionary journey but without Barnabas, Instead he is accompanied by Silas and Timothy, and in part by a group of companions referred to by Luke in the 1st person. His itinerary follows the leading given by successive divine interventions designed to move him westwards, towards Rome. Most of the action takes place in Philippi, his first stopping place after leaving Asia where he had worked previously. On his arrival there, Paul first seeks out the Jewish community. However, a conflictual encounter with local people leads to his imprisonment, when the jailor provides him with the opportunity to speak about the gospel to Gentiles. Paul’s failure to make the most of this opportunity occasions implicit ciriticism from the narrator of Codex Bezae.
136 Josep Rius-Camps and Jenny Read-Heimerdinger
[D'] 17:10-13 Macedonia III: Beroea
[C'] 17:14-34 Greece I: Athens
[B'] 18:1-17 Greece II: Corinth
[A'] 18:18-23 Epilogue
[A] 16:1-4 Prolegomena
The main point of interest in this preparatory sequence is Paul’s mee-
ting of Timothy and his circumcision of him. The theme of circumcision
was raised in the previous section by the insistence of some of the Pha-
risee believers on the need to circumcise the Gentile disciples (cf. 15:1.5).
Here, the idea is taken further, by raising the question of circumcision
among Jewish believers.
The action takes place in Derbe, Lystra and Iconium, the furthest
cities visited by Paul and Barnabas during the first phase of the mission,
but now returned to at the outset of his return visit.
[a] 16:1a Paul’s arrival in Derbe and Lystra
[b] 16:1b-2 Introduction of Timothy
[c] 16:3a Paul wishes to take Timothy with him
[c'] 16:3b Circumcision of Timothy
[b'] 16:3c Timothy’s parentage
[a'] 16:4 Preaching and transmission of Jerusalem decree
Codex Bezae D05 Codex Vaticanus B03
[a] 16:1a Having gone through those 16:1a He went down both to Derbe
nations, he went down to Derbe and and also to Lystra.
[b] 1b There, there was a certain dis- 1b There was a certain disciple the-
ciple by the name of Timothy, the re by the name of Timothy, the son
son of a Jewish woman believer of a Jewish woman believer but
but of a Greek father, 2 who was of a Greek father, 2 who was well
well spoken of by the brethren in spoken of by the brethren in Lystra
Lystra and Iconium. and Iconium.
[c] 3a This man, Paul wanted him to 3a This man, Paul wanted him to go
go out with him; out with him;
[c'] 3b and he took him and circumci- 3b and he took him and circumci-
sed him because of the local Jews sed him because of the local Jews in
in that place that place