Josep Rius-Camps - Jenny Read-Heimerdinger, «The Variant Readings of the Western Text of the Acts of the Apostles (XXIII) (Acts 16:1–40)», Vol. 24 (2011) 135-164
In Acts 16, Paul sets out again on his missionary journey but without Barnabas, Instead he is accompanied by Silas and Timothy, and in part by a group of companions referred to by Luke in the 1st person. His itinerary follows the leading given by successive divine interventions designed to move him westwards, towards Rome. Most of the action takes place in Philippi, his first stopping place after leaving Asia where he had worked previously. On his arrival there, Paul first seeks out the Jewish community. However, a conflictual encounter with local people leads to his imprisonment, when the jailor provides him with the opportunity to speak about the gospel to Gentiles. Paul’s failure to make the most of this opportunity occasions implicit ciriticism from the narrator of Codex Bezae.
The Variant Readings of the Western Text of the Acts of the Apostles 147
[g] 29 Asking for lights, he sprang in 29 Asking for lights, he sprang in
and, in a state of trembling, he fell and, having started to tremble, he
before Paul and Silas at their feet; fell before Paul and Silas;
[h] 30 and he led them out when he 30 and having led them out, he
had secured the rest and said to said, ‘Masters, what must I do to be
them, ‘Masters, what must I do to saved?’
be saved?’
[h'] 31 They said, ‘Believe in the Lord 31 They said, ‘Believe in the Lord
Jesus Christ and you will be saved, Jesus and you will be saved, you and
you and your household’; your household’.
[g'] 32 and they spoke to him the word 32 and they spoke to him the word
of the Lord, together with everyone of God, together with everyone else
else in his house. in his house.
[f'] 33a And taking them at that very 33a And taking them at that very
hour of the night, he released them hour of the night, he washed their
from their blows; wounds;
[e'] 33b and he, for his part, was bapti- 33b and he was baptized, he and all
zed and all his family, immediately; of his family, immediately,
[d'] 34a and also, having brought them 34a and having brought them up
up into his household, he went so into his household, he set a meal
far as to set a meal before them. before them.
[c'] 34b And he was rejoicing with all 34b And he rejoiced with all his
his household, having become a be- household, having believed in God.
liever in God.
[C'a] 35a When it was day, the magistra- 35a When it was day, the magistra-
tes came together, united in purpo- tes
se, in the market place,
[b] 35b and remembering the ear-
thquake that had happened, they
were afraid;
[c] 35c and they sent the sergeants to 35c sent the sergeants saying, ‘Re-
say, ‘Release those men whom you lease those men’.
received yesterday’.
[d] 36 And the jailor went in and re- 36 The jailor reported these words
ported the words to Paul: ‘The ma- to Paul: ‘The magistrates have sent
gistrates have sent for you to be for you to be released. So now, go
released. So now, go out and go on out and go on your way in peace.’
your way.’
[e] 37 But Paul said to them, ‘Innocent 37 But Paul said to them, ‘They beat
as we are, they beat us in public, us in public, uncondemned men, we
uncondemned men, we who are who are Roman citizens, and threw
Roman citizens, and threw us into us into prison, and now, they throw
prison, and now, they throw us out us out in secret? Oh no! Let them
in secret? Oh no! Let them come come themselves and bring us out.’
themselves and bring us out.’