Josep Rius-Camps - Jenny Read-Heimerdinger, «The Variant Readings of the Western Text of the Acts of the Apostles (XXIII) (Acts 16:1–40)», Vol. 24 (2011) 135-164
In Acts 16, Paul sets out again on his missionary journey but without Barnabas, Instead he is accompanied by Silas and Timothy, and in part by a group of companions referred to by Luke in the 1st person. His itinerary follows the leading given by successive divine interventions designed to move him westwards, towards Rome. Most of the action takes place in Philippi, his first stopping place after leaving Asia where he had worked previously. On his arrival there, Paul first seeks out the Jewish community. However, a conflictual encounter with local people leads to his imprisonment, when the jailor provides him with the opportunity to speak about the gospel to Gentiles. Paul’s failure to make the most of this opportunity occasions implicit ciriticism from the narrator of Codex Bezae.
146 Josep Rius-Camps and Jenny Read-Heimerdinger
[e'] 19 When the masters of the slave girl 19 And her masters, having seen
saw that they had been deprived of that the hope of their profit had
their profit that they used to have gone out, seized hold of Paul and
through her, they seized hold of Paul of Silas and dragged them into the
and Silas and dragged them into the market place to the rulers;
market place to the rulers;
[d'] 20 and having brought them to 20 and having brought them to the
the magistrates, they said, 21 ‘The- magistrates, they said, 21 ‘These
se men are throwing our city into men are throwing our city into con-
confusion, being Jews and announ- fusion, being Jews and announcing
cing to the Gentiles things that are customs that it is not lawful for us
not lawful for us to receive nor do, to receive nor to do, being Romans’.
being Romans’.
[c'] 22a And a large crowd joined to- 22a And the crowd joined together
gether against them, shouting out. against them.
[b'] 22b Then the magistrates, tearing off 22b Then the magistrates, tearing
their garments, commanded them to off their garments, commanded
be flogged 23 and having inflicted them to be flogged 23 and having
on them many blows, they threw inflicted on them many blows, they
them into prison, ordering the jai- threw them into prison, ordering
lor that they were to be kept secu- the jailor to keep them securely.
[a'] 24 Having received such an order, he 24 Having received such an order, he
threw them into the inner prison threw them into the inner prison
and secured their feet in the stocks. and secured their feet in the stocks.
[B'a] 25a Around the middle of the night, 25a Around midnight, Paul and Si-
Paul and Silas were singing hymns to las were singing hymns to God in
God in prayer. prayer.
[b] 25b The other prisoners were liste- 25b The other prisoners were liste-
ning attentively. ning attentively.
[c] 26a Suddenly, there was a great 26a Suddenly, there was a great
earthquake so that the foundations earthquake so that the foundations
of the jail were shaken. of the jail were shaken.
[d] 26b At once, all the doors opened 26b All the doors opened and all
and all the bonds were loosened; the bonds were undone.
[e] 27 and the jailor, having woken up 27 The jailor, having woken up and
and seeing the doors of the prison seeing the doors of the prison open,
open and having drawn his sword, having drawn his sword was about
was about to kill himself, assuming to kill himself, assuming that the
that the prisoners had escaped. prisoners had escaped.
[f] 28 But Paul called out in a loud voi- 28 But in a loud voice Paul called
ce, saying, ‘Don’t do yourself any out, saying, ‘Don’t harm yourself,
harm, for all of us are here’. for all of us are here’.