Wim Hendriks, «'Euteos' beyond the Temporal Meaning.», Vol. 25 (2012) 21-35
The Greek lexeme euteos should be understood primarily as an adverb of quality, rather than regularly be taken as an adverb of time in the New Testament. Three problematic passages with euteos will be discussed. They are 3 John 14, Galatians 1:15-17, and a variant reading in Acts 14:8-10. As background to this discussion the meaning of the adjective euteos is considered, as well as its use in various derivative and compound words. Next the formation of adverbs of manner and their place in the Greek sentence or phrase is envisaged. Four meanings of euteos as an adverb of quality, drawing on extra-biblical and New Testament sources, are identified before proceeding to discuss the three problematic passages, indicating how euteos is to be understood and translated.
Εὐθέωσ Beyond the Temporal Meaning
The Greek lexeme εὐθέωσ should be understood primarily as an adverb
of quality, rather than regularly be taken as an adverb of time in the New
Testament. Three problematic passages with εὐθέωσ will be discussed. They
are 3 John 14, Galatians 1:15-17, and a variant reading in Acts 14:8-10.
As background to this discussion the meaning of the adjective εὐθέωσ is
considered, as well as its use in various derivative and compound words.
Next the formation of adverbs of manner and their place in the Greek
sentence or phrase is envisaged. Four meanings of εὐθέωσ as an adverb of
quality, drawing on extra-biblical and New Testament sources, are identified
before proceeding to discuss the three problematic passages, indicating how
εὐθέωσ is to be understood and translated.
Keywords: Eὐθέωσ, translation, meaning, Greek Literature, New Testa-
ment, Lexicography.
The adverb εὐθέωσ in the New Testament is commonly understood
as an adverb of time. An example of this fact is Griechisch-deutsches
Wörterbuch zum Neuen Testament by Walter Bauer.
sofort, sogleich, alsbald Mt 4:20+22; 8:3; 13:5; 14:22+31 (schnelle Rettung aus
Seenot durch Jesus, wie BGU, nr 423,8 [II n] durch Sarapis: ἔσωσε εὐθέωσ)
und öfters (nach N28 13mal bei Mt, 1mal bei Mk, 6mal bei Lk, 3mal bei J,
9mal in AG; dazu Gal 1:16; Jk 1:24; 3J 14; Apk 4:2).1
Likewise Lexicon Graecum Novi Testamenti by Franciscus Zorell.
‘recta, sine ambagibus’ (without references) – de tempore: statim, sine mora,
illico, et similia, quae significatio pro rerum varietate est magis minusve stric-
ta (with several examples), sine mora, mox 3 Jn 14.2
W. Bauer, Griechisch-deutsches Wörterbuch zu den Schriften des Neuen Testaments
und der frühchristlichen Literatur, Völlig neu bearbeitete Auflage, herausgegeben von K.
Aland und B. Aland (Berlin-New York 19886), 648; F.W. Danker, A Greek-English Lexi-
con of the New Testament and other Early Christian Literature, based on Walter Bauer’s
Griechisch-deutsches Wörterbuch (Chicago-London 20003), 405. The quoted Greek phrase
is actually from BGU 2 (1898); see note 12.
F. Zorell, Lexicon Graecum Novi Testamenti (CSS I.7, Parisiis 19312), 530; see also
J.H. Thayer, A Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament: being Grimm’s Wilke’s Clavis
Novi Testamenti, Translated, revised and enlarged (Edinburgh 19014), 258: straightway,
immediately, forthwith.
Filología Neotestamentaria - Vol. XXV - 2012, pp. 21-35
Facultad de Filosofía y Letras - Universidad de Córdoba (España)