Philipp F. Bartholomä, «John 5,31-47 and the Teaching of Jesus in the Synoptics. A Comparative Approach.»
Within Johannine scholarship, the assumed differences between Jesus’ teaching in John and in the Synoptics have frequently led to a negative judgment about Johannine authenticity. This article proposes a comparative approach that distinguishes between different levels of similarity in wording and content and applies it to John 5,31-47. What we find in this discourse section corresponds conceptually to a significant degree with the picture offered in the Synoptics, though couched in a very different idiom. Thus, the comparative evidence does not preclude us from accepting this particular part of Johannine speech material as an authentic representation of the actual content of Jesus’words.
Biblica_1:Layout 1 21-11-2011 12:59 Pagina 377
3. The Witness of the Father (John 5,36-44)
[Matt 11,4-5 par.]
Go and tell John what you hear
But I have a testimony greater
and see: the blind receive their
than John’s. The works that
the Father has given me to sight, the lame walk, the lepers
complete, the very works that are cleansed, the deaf hear, the
I am doing, testify on my dead are raised, and the poor
behalf have good news brought to
[Matt 12,28 par.]
But if it is by the Spirit of God
that I cast out demons, then the
kingdom of God has come to
[Matt 9,6a par.]
But so that you may know that
the Son of Man has authority
on earth to forgive sins
Cf. also [Matt 11,20-24 par.],
as well as the narrative com-
ments in [Matt 8,27 par.; Luke
[Matt 10,40]
(…) whoever receives me re-
that the Father has sent me.
ceives the one who sent me.
And the Father who sent me
[Luke 10,16]
(…) the one who rejects me re-
jects the one who sent me.
[Matt 11,27a par.]
[0/1] All things have been handed
has himself testified on my
over to me by my Father; (…)