Gregory T.K. Wong, «Psalm 73 as Ring Composition.», Vol. 97 (2016) 16-40
This article seeks to analyse the structure of Psalm 73 as a ring composition based on characteristics identified by Mary Douglas. With special attention paid to key structural markers used throughout the psalm, it will be argued that Psalm 73 is an elegant and almost perfect ring, with the introductory and concluding sections merging into each other and closely interconnected with a middle turning point. The rest of the psalm is arranged chiastically with matching parallel sections on either side of the turning point.
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sections, there appears to be no recurrence of a key term that directly
links the sections together. But in spite of the lack of recurring terms,
the sections do share certain commonalities that link them together.
Concerning the overall arrangement of the four sections into two
halves on each side of the turning point, it has already been pointed
out that vv. 4-12 and vv. 13-15, which precede the turning point, are
characterised respectively by the exclusive use of third and first person
subject references and verbs. The same dominance of third and first
person subject references and verbs are also found respectively in vv.
18-20 and vv. 21-26, except that in these sections second person sub-
ject references and verbs referring to God are also present. What this
suggests is that prior to the turning point, the reality perceived is fo-
cused exclusively on the wicked and the psalmist himself, with God
not being part of the picture. But after the turning point, God, ad-
dressed directly in the second person, enters the picture, and with that
comes a vastly different perception of reality from before: characters
who occupy favourable and unfavourable positions are suddenly re-
versed. Thus, while in the yk section of vv. 4-12 the wicked seem to
occupy a favourable position by their prosperity, in the yk section of
vv. 21-26 it is now the psalmist who is blessed with the abiding pres-
ence and fellowship of God. Likewise, while in the $a section of vv.
13-15 the psalmist seems to have occupied an unfavourable position
by virtue of his daily afflictions, in the $a section of vv. 18-20 that un-
favourable position has now gone to the wicked, who face imminent
destruction from God. In this respect, even though no recurring term
exists to directly link vv. 13-15 to vv. 18-20, by virtue of their con-
trastive relationship with each other, which mirrors the contrastive
relationship between the yk sections of vv. 4-12 and vv. 21-26, one can
argue that the $a sections of vv. 13-15 and vv. 18-20 are also set
against each other as corresponding parallel sections.
4. Additional Development of the Basic Ring
All that has been demonstrated so far about the interrelationships
that link the beginning, end, middle turning point, and the four corre-
sponding parallel sections arranged chiastically on either side of the
turning point would have been enough to support the claim that Psalm
73 is indeed a ring. But taking the circular nature of the ring one step
further, the psalmist appears to have introduced an additional horizon-
tal axis to turn the two sets of chiastically arranged sections on either
side of the turning point into a true quadrant of four mutually corre-
sponding sections.