Gregory T.K. Wong, «Psalm 73 as Ring Composition.», Vol. 97 (2016) 16-40
This article seeks to analyse the structure of Psalm 73 as a ring composition based on characteristics identified by Mary Douglas. With special attention paid to key structural markers used throughout the psalm, it will be argued that Psalm 73 is an elegant and almost perfect ring, with the introductory and concluding sections merging into each other and closely interconnected with a middle turning point. The rest of the psalm is arranged chiastically with matching parallel sections on either side of the turning point.
20 GreGOrY T.K. WOnG
having been anticipated from the beginning to create a double literary
closure 13.
second, in standard chiasm the turning point is significant mainly
as an indicator of climax, after which the dénouement takes place. For
a ring, however, Douglas lays out the additional requirement that the
middle turning point also show verbal and thematic connections with
the beginning and end. In this way, not only is the precise point of
inflection well-marked, but the coordination of the middle with the
beginning and end also results in a well-integrated composition that
demonstrates overall thematic interconnections 14.
From these two features, one can argue that a ring is a special form
of chiasm distinct from an inclusio or a standard chiastic structure.
In the following discussion, therefore, as I try to show that Psalm 73
indeed constitutes a ring, I will do so on the basis of Douglas’ charac-
terisations, so that the structure of Psalm 73 will be shown to be more
than just chiastic, but an almost perfectly circular ring through intri-
cate connections of its beginning, middle, and end.
II. Psalm 73 as a ring
To show that Psalm 73 indeed constitutes a ring, I will start by
examining how the beginning and the end of the psalm are joined
together. I will then focus on the connections between the middle
turning point and the beginning and end, and on the coordination of
parallel panels on either side of the turning point. I will conclude by
examining additional features unique to Psalm 73 that further enhance
its circularity to create an almost perfect ring.
1. Beginning and End
That the beginning and the end of Psalm 73 are closely linked has
long been noted. Because the psalm begins with a proclamation
of God’s goodness that seems to represent its central message, many
have regarded v. 1 as a conclusion previewed in advance 15. In fact,
DOuGLAs, Thinking in Circles, 37-38.
DOuGLAs, Thinking in Circles, 34, 37.
A.B. rhODes, Psalms (LBC; London 1961) 108; J.W. rOGersOn – J.W.
MCKAY, Psalms 51–100 (CBC; Cambridge 1977) 120; s.h. BLAnK, “The near-
ness of God in Psalm seventy-Three”, Prophetic Thoughts. essays and Addresses
(Cincinnati, Oh 1977) 70; J.F. rOss “Psalm 73”, Israelite Wisdom. Theological
and Literary essays in honor of samuel Terrien (eds. J.G. GAMMIe et al.) (Mis-
soula, MT 1978) 161-175, here 164; J. GOLDInGAY, Psalms. vol. 2. Psalms 42–89