Geert Van Oyen, «The Vulnerable Authority of the Author of the Gospel of Mark. Re-Reading the Paradoxes», Vol. 91 (2010) 161-186
The article proceeds in three steps. The paradoxes in Mark 8,35; 9,35; 10,43-44 tell in their own way that the mystery of the passion and resurrection of Jesus is to be experienced by the followers of Jesus in daily life. They are not only anticipations but also actualizations of that mystery. These paradoxes cannot be understood without the Christological foundation that God has saved Jesus from the dead. The use of paradoxes is in agreement with Mark’s theology and Christology which as a whole is presented as a paradoxical story.
Once more, the only thing Jesus demands is service. It is “power as
service †and nothing else 33. These words of Jesus are not easy to
accept, and demand more explanation 34. The explanation follows in
the subsequent monologue in which Jesus teaches the disciples
about the meaning of power (10,41-45).
In his teaching, Jesus shifts the theme from heaven back to the
earthly reality 35. These instructions for the disciples function as a
kind of “community rule†36. The rule is given to the Twelve (ten
plus two) and contains a criterion for insiders of the community
(triple emphasis on en ymËœn). The human relationships within the
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community must be different compared to the ones of those “among
the Gentiles†who rule the world. Note the ironic nuances in the
formulation of v. 42 (oı dokoyntev arxein), which draws attention
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to the fact that the rulers themselves think they rule 37. This is not a
neutral description of their hierarchical position but an ironical
statement. They might have the power, but they only seem to control
the world. And Vouga adds a second form of critique: external
power does not imply control over the spiritual freedom of their
Over against the tendencies of the world, Jesus does not
immediately recommend the opposite attitude among his followers.
He first observes – note the indicative present in v. 43a oyx oytwv
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de estin en ym˜n — that there exists another logic that does not
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allow for any form of compromise with the attitude of the rulers of
the world. Authentic followers of Jesus believe in a different way of
behaving. They withdraw from the dominant systems because they
do not seem to belong to them. They do not urge for human
See the title of an article by J. LAMBRECHT, “Power as Serviceâ€, Louvain
Studies 12 (1987) 54-61. Or should one say “Service as Power�
The saying in v. 40 “prepares for the further instruction that is to come in
vv. 41-45†(YARBRO COLLINS, Mark, 498).
See, among others, FOCANT, Marc, 398.
FOCANT, Marc, 398: “la règle communautaireâ€; 400: “règles de la
communauté †(with reference to Bultmann).
So say, e.g., FOCANT, Marc, 398 and VOUGA, Politique, 79; but not
Yarbro Collins, who sees it as “a term of honor and contain[ing] no hint of
depreciation †(Mark, 499). For an overview of the most important positions and
an interpretation in favor of irony, see DE MINGO KAMINOUCHI, “‘But It Is Not
So Among You’â€, 118-123: “Mark’s intention in using the term dokoyntev is Ëœ
first and foremost to make the reader wonder†(123).