Geert Van Oyen, «The Vulnerable Authority of the Author of the Gospel of Mark. Re-Reading the Paradoxes», Vol. 91 (2010) 161-186
The article proceeds in three steps. The paradoxes in Mark 8,35; 9,35; 10,43-44 tell in their own way that the mystery of the passion and resurrection of Jesus is to be experienced by the followers of Jesus in daily life. They are not only anticipations but also actualizations of that mystery. These paradoxes cannot be understood without the Christological foundation that God has saved Jesus from the dead. The use of paradoxes is in agreement with Mark’s theology and Christology which as a whole is presented as a paradoxical story.
of Mark 10,35-45 this verse “provides both a warrant and a model
for the teaching expressed in vv. 43-44†41. The motivation in v. 45 is
the perfect illustration of what Jesus means about the value of
serving. In serving, the Son of man — who does deserve all honor —
does not gain anything for himself, and Jesus indicates the most
extreme consequences of this philosophy. In an unlimited and
inimitable way (read again 8,36-37), he gives his life for the
salvation of other people, not for himself 42.
in the commentaries on Mk, we can mention, among many titles, the following
studies on the verse (alphabetically): K. BACKHAUS, “‘Lösepreis für viele’. Zur
Heilsbedeutung des Todes Jesu bei Markusâ€, Der Evangelist als Theologe (ed.
T. SÖDING) (Stuttgarter Bibelstudien 163; Stuttgart 1995) 91-118; J. BECKER,
“ Die neutestamentliche Rede vom Sühnetod Jesuâ€, ZThK Beiheft 8 (1990)
29-49, = ID., Annäherungen. Zur urchristlichen Theologiegeschichte und zum
Umgang mit ihren Quellen. Ausgewählte Aufsätze zum 60. Geburtstag (ed.
U. MELL) (BZNW 76; Berlin 1995) 334-354; A. YARBRO COLLINS, “The
Signification of Mark 10:45 among Gentile Christiansâ€, HTR 90 (1997) 371-
382 ; K. KERTELGE, “Der dienende Menschensohn (Mk 10,45)â€, Jesus und der
Menschensohn. FS A. Vögtle (eds. R. PESCH – R. SCHNACKENBURG –
O. KAISER) (Freiburg 1975) 225-239; S. MCKNIGHT, “Jesus and His Death:
Some Recent Scholarshipâ€, Currents in Research 9 (2001) 185-228;
R. RIESNER, “Back to the Historical Jesus through Paul and his School (The
Ransom Logion – Mark 10.45; Matthew 20.28)â€, Journal for the Study of the
H i s t o r i c a l Jesus 1 ( 2 0 0 3 ) 171-199; O. SCHWANKL , “Machtwille und
Dienstbereitschaft. Zur Jüngerbelehrung in Mk 10,35-45â€, Forschungen zum
Neuen Testament und seiner Umwelt.FS A. Fuchs (ed. C. NIEMAND) (Linzer
Philosophisch-Theologische Beiträge 7; Frankfurt am Main 2002) 235-258;
D. SEELEY, “Rulership and Service in Mark 10:41-45â€, NovT 35 (1993) 234-
250 ; A. SCHENKER, “Substitution du châtiment ou prix de la paix? Mc 10,45
par. â€, La Pâque du Christ. FS. F.-X. Durwell (LD 112; Paris 1982) 75-90;
D. VIEWEGER – A. BÖCKLER, “‘Ich gebe Ägypten als Lösegeld für dich’. Mk
10,45 und die jüdische Tradition zu Jes 43,3b-4, ZAW 108 (1996) 594-607;
W. ZAGER, “Wie kam es im Urchristentum zur Deutung des Todes Jesu als
Sühnegeschehen ? Eine Auseinandersetzung mit Peter Stuhlmachers Entwurf
einer ‘Biblischen Theologie des Neuen Testaments’â€, ZNW 87 (1996) 165-186.
— One of the difficult issues is if there is any influence of Isaiah 53,10-12 on
this verse. When considering the literature on this topic, I think it is far too
simplistic to conclude that the alternative ‘Isaiah 53 or not’ is only decided on
the basis of exegetical discussions. The answer to that discussion seems to be
also influenced by the scholars’ references to other background literature, their
assessment of the historical authenticity, and their use of their theological
tradition and interpretative language (sacrifice).
The unique way of serving by Jesus has been noticed by several scholars.